Growth of the new and Consolidaton of current growth Industries in India

Growth of the new and Consolidaton of current growth Industries in India August 6, 2011

A lot of things are happening in the Indian business. New businesses are now coming on their own – and growing at a fast clip – while the ones which have grown a lot over the last 2 decades are now going through a phase of consolidation.

Medical Tourism industry is expected to become a Rs. 10,800 crores or USD 2.5 Billion industry by next 4 years (2015). From a inflow of 850,000 medical travelers, the numbers are expected to cross 3.2 million visitors. This was revealed in a survey by Assocham.

The main areas are:

  1. cardiology,
  2. joint replacement,
  3. orthopedic surgery,
  4. transplants and
  5. urology

States which are doing well are: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Kerela and New Delhi. Visitors come from countries in Middle East, America, Europe and people who have money and want better treatment from countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The main competiting countries are: Australia, Belgium, Greece, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and Thailand

In another study by ASSOCHAM (Financial Pulse Study) – it was asserted that 3 sectors (Financial, Real Estate and IT) together accounted for 52% of the 68 Mergers and Acquisition deals in India. Most of the deals are internal to India. Only 7.4% of the M&A deals were acquisitions by foreign companies.

International deals accounted for 54.4 per cent of all these deals. Outbound and International deals accounted for the biggest percentage of all the deals.

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