Mumbai Attacks are NOT "Terrorism" but DECLARATION OF WAR against INDIAN STATE (#Mumbai)

Mumbai Attacks are NOT "Terrorism" but DECLARATION OF WAR against INDIAN STATE (#Mumbai) November 27, 2008

Around 30-50 odd people land on our shores from a foreign land.. dropped by a ship with ammunition, night vision equipment and satellite phones… and attack our largest city.

I am trying to understand HOW is this different from a FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST India??

If Pakistan or any other country WAS to declare war and attack Bombay – conventionally and through COMMANDOS.. how would it have done it??

Look at the facts:

– Grenades and assault guns
– Ship drops them off
– Night vision equipment and satellite phones
– Pakistani Punjabi terrorist
– Speed Boats to land at the shore right next to Taj and Oberoi
– Dressed as commandos
– Complete planning.. including the houses of Jews to occupy and the sequence of events
– Coverage across the city of Mumbai!

THAT is why I don’t want the terrorist angle to be played for long. Yes, these guys spread terror.. but MAKE NO MISTAKE.. this is NOT terror.. this is WAR. It is as much a war as any can be! If we get into this definitions of terrorism.. and then digress into Hindu nationalists should not retaliate and all the rest of the rhetoric of “resilience of Mumbaikars” etc.. then we will MISS the point – which is THAT THIS IS A WAR just as ANY that an enemy could have declared!

Again – THIS has NOTHING to do with “religion”.. as these terrorists are making it out to be.. THEY WANT us to believe that it is religion.. IT IS NOT!! So lets get out of this Terrorism mindset…. these Pakistani Punjabi and his NWFP friend is NOT here because of how India treats its own Muslims.. THAT is what they want us to show and believe.. IT IS A WAR.. PERIOD!

The fact that such operations – which were hitherto had been launched against India in the Himalayas HAS BEEN LAUNCHED in the heart of Mumbai.. is a clear indication that India’s Defense has FAILED to fight the covert and overt threat from its enemies!

The face, character, look, ways of an enemy combatant has changed!!

So, let’s get off the rhetoric that this is terrorism.. for that will take us into a loop that is all too familiar… where this will be characterized as a deed of CRIMINALS.. when it is NOT! It is an AGGRESSION ON INDIAN STATE… and BLATANTLY AND CHEEKILY done!!

Next Steps:

1. Find out who were involved: LTTE, Pakistani Army, ISI, LeT
2. Launch an all out attack against those entities.
3. It is a WAR and it should be treated as one!!
4. If we fear that it will escalate into a Nuclear war.. well, I am now convinced that INACTION now.. will result in a Nuclear commando attack on Bombay next! This attack yesterday will look like a firecracker compared to what COULD HAVE BEEN.. if instead of RDX these Pakistani commandos had shipped in a Nuke / Dirty bomb!!

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