June 14, 2014

This little house goes at the end of the driveway, people stop and pick a book to read. Best idea ever.   Find out more at littlefreelibrary.org   And here are plans for building your own. Read more

June 10, 2014

Iphone photos from the  roads where I walk.                       Read more

June 3, 2014

My son’s last soccer game was this weekend. It’s a league of 12-15 year olds who did not start playing soccer at the age of two, or perhaps they did and had little talent for it, or perhaps they’re quite good, but get little play on the school team because soccer has become one of the most competitive and populous sports of middle class suburbia. The team plays “academy style,” splitting into two groups at the start of each game... Read more

April 3, 2014

If not, you may have missed my meditation there on Monday. Read more

March 6, 2014

About a month ago, a dear friend of mine had a birthday. To celebrate with her we went to the SoulCore studio on the Northside of Indianapolis and experienced the SoulCore workout, which pairs core strengthening exercises with meditation on the Rosary. I was so captivated by the project–which got me back into the habit of saying the daily Rosary–and also with the story of how it came to fruition, I wrote it up. The story is in the Washington... Read more

March 5, 2014

Just a quick note to let you know I’ve written a few short meditations for Living Faith/ Daily Catholic Devotions, which is both a print and online periodical featuring the daily Mass readings and related prayer. Here’s one from yesterday, March 4, 2014: God Working in Me, and there are more to come. You may enjoy checking out their devotions online each day, which feature the meditations of writers far more thoughtful than I. It could be a nice addition to any... Read more

February 19, 2014

Hosted at Darwin Catholic   “There are plenty of memes that want to know all about your book history and your all-time greats and your grand ambitions, but let’s focus on something more revealing: the books you’re actually reading now, or just read, or are about to read. Let’s call it The Immediate Book Meme.” 1. What book are you reading now? Rose by Martin Cruz Smith   2. What book did you just finish? I’d revise this question to... Read more

January 14, 2014

News has circulated this week about Pope Francis baptizing 32 infants in Rome. During his homily, he told the infants’ mothers to go ahead and feed the babies if they’re hungry. Breastfeed them in Church, in the Sistine Chapel even. It was also noted that he baptized the baby of a couple who were in an irregular marriage. Why is any of this news? Why does it matter? Because the Pope has declared anything goes and he really wants to... Read more

December 30, 2013

One True Vine Read more

December 6, 2013

One of my dumb ambitions for Thanksgiving was to cook Turducken. I bought turkey and duck, let them both thaw, then decided the night before that turkey was enough, and the duck was a bad idea. So after we ate all the Thanksgiving leftovers, I recalled that I had a duck to cook, stat. I roasted it for dinner Sunday night according to the package directions, which made about four servings and was neither here nor there taste wise. The... Read more

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