Reflections of Grace 17: Breaking Strongholds – Warfare

Reflections of Grace 17: Breaking Strongholds – Warfare February 21, 2014

Breaking Strongholds – Finding Liberty in Kingdom Living — Warfare

We have been looking at the following scripture up close and personal.

2 Corinthians 10:5

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

  • Satins goal is to be worshipped.  It is what he has always wanted from the time he was created.
  • God created us to worship Him and Him alone.  We all worship something.  According to the definition of epairo the gaze of our eyes determines the focus of our worship.   Where are we looking friends?  Where are your eyes focused?   What or who is the object of our primary focus.  Whatever we worship we will also obey.  Sounds weird doesn’t it.   But we will obey our own thoughts if we speak them enough.  Where are your thoughts coming from.  Who do they agree with?

Remember:   A stronghold is anything we hold onto that ends up holding us.  And we have His power to release us and set us free.  Arguments that we speak of here serve both to propel and to determine the direction we are going.

  • Satan, the ultimate counterfeiter, also desires to lead us.
  • God lead us with cords of human kindness, with ties of love.
  • Satan presses the yoke on our necks as he leads us with cords of falsehood and ties of lies.   Look at the last part of this phrase “against the knowledge of God’…again we are reminded why knowing the truth is the key to liberty.
  • John 8:32 – If we don’t know God’s word, his knowledge expressed to man, we can hardly recognize what is setting itself up against the knowledge of God, can we?  The more we know Gods word, the quicker we recognize Satans attempts to cover it.

We have to remind ourselves that he uses smoke screens to divert our attention onto him, rather than God.

  • I will say it again.  We have an enemy.  He is not happy when we are involved in changing lives, especially our own life, for the Kingdom of God.   He is hoping we will forget and succumb to him, but we know that “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.”
  • Satan roams around like a lion “seeking whom he may devour”…..notice it says “seeking”……..not all of us have our heads in the sand.  We have to be on our guard and walking in the presence of Jesus and not allow ourselves to be distracted by the noise of the enemy, and believe me he will make a lot of noise.

I have realized it is going to take a supernatural life to be able to withstand evil attacks in these coming days.

  • It is time to determine that whatever else our goals and hopes are for this year we need to be seeking the strengthening of our souls.    Remember, we are a spirit, (the part that is born again with the receiving of Jesus as Lord of our life), we have a soul, which is our mind, will, and emotions, and we live in a body.   The bible talks about the renewing of our soul daily.  Not our spirits.  We build our spirits up.  They are already born again and saved for eternity.  Our SOULS…..our minds!!   They have to be renewed daily to what God says about us and so that we can recognize what the enemy says about us.  This is why the bible teaches us that we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and darkness and everything that exalts itself over and against our God.

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