Life Grounded: Who Benefits When A Woman Aborts Her Child?

Life Grounded: Who Benefits When A Woman Aborts Her Child? November 2, 2021

Who Benefits When A Woman Aborts Her Child?

We hear people saying that abortion is empowering to women. Is it? How does it empower woman? Because they get to have control over their bodies? Are they really in control or are they feeling external pressure to abort? Either the pressure from someone, or the pressure of not feeling they can support or care for a child, or feeling they will not be able to succeed in life if they have a child. So is that really having control? Or are other people, feelings, circumstances controlling her?

Do men benefit when women abort? Some do, some don’t. When a woman chooses to abort her child there are some men who don’t have to take responsibility for their actions. They don’t have to step up and be a leader, provider, caregiver, partner, father. How does it benefit men to continue to live a life without responsibility?

How does it benefit men who are willing to stand up and be the man that provides financially, emotionally? Men who don’t want her to abort but feel that they have no voice. Do they walk away from that abortion feeling empowered? Do they feel that they benefited from this choice or do they feel powerless? What happens in a society when people, especially men, feel powerless?

Do children benefit when they are aborted? I know the argument that it is better than being abused or in foster care. So it is beneficial to a human to be killed than to endure hardship? How is it beneficial to a person to say, because you grew up in __________, you really should never have been born.

I have known people whose parents have told them in a moment of anger that they never should have been born. That scar runs deep. How much worse that a society tells a human being, you never should have been born.

A progressive society should not be telling women that your best chance to succeed is by ending the life of your child.

A progressive society should not be telling men, you don’t have to take responsibility for creating a child because that child can simply be disposed of.

A progressive society should not tell men you have no right to say if your child lives or dies.

A progressive society should not be telling humans that because your parents are not able to take care of you properly that you should not be allowed to be born.

A progressive society should ensure that women have resources to birth and raise a child in a loving home and she can still achieve her goals.

A progressive society should be holding men accountable for the children they create.

A progressive society should be telling men you have every right to ensure that your child lives.

A progressive society should be ensuring that parents have the resources to ensure that they are positive, healthy parental role models.

So the question remains, who benefits when a woman aborts?

The abortion provider.

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