I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist, part 7 with Frank Turek

I Don’t Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist, part 7 with Frank Turek February 26, 2015

To purchase the entire DVD set of the Summit Lecture Series, vista summit.org.

Wanna know who God is?

Most Christians have the wrong idea of who God is. We think of God as a big angel.

God is not a big angel.

Wanna know who God is?

Remove all limits from your mind… THAT’s God.

Why is there a second commandment – Thou shalt make no graven image?

Because any image you make of an infinite being necessarily limits his majesty. You can’t draw a picture of infinity. Every picture you draw is limited. But God is an infinite Being. If He is an ounce of any attribute, He is infinite in that attribute: If He’s an ounce of love, then He is infinite in love; if He is an ounce of justice, then He is infinitely just; an ounce of power, infinite power… He is the standard by which everything else is measured.

Psalm 103:11 says:

God’s love to those that fear Him exceeds the height of the heavens above the earth.

How high are the heavens above the earth, considering that they are above the stars which are numbered greater than the grains of sand over all the earth? From our perspective… infinite.

That’s why the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God.

The closest thing in our experience to infinity are the heavens, and even they are limited.

I don’t have enough faith to believe that this majestic creation just happened without an intelligent, powerful, amazing, majestic cause.

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