June 8, 2023

It's bad theology to believe the U.S. flag has a place in a worship space. Here's a sermon to challenge that Christian Nationalist assumption. Read more

June 7, 2023

Preaching around patriotic holidays is a difficult challenge. "Flagging the Flag -- Idolatry and Freedom" confronts Christian Nationalism. Read more

May 6, 2023

In Acts 17, Paul says the "unknown god" created everything. One of the best ways to know God is to immerse yourself in God’s Creation. Read more

April 11, 2023

In this post, I share just a bit of information about the survey and announce the winner of the drawing for the free book. Read more

April 10, 2023

On April 15, Sierra Pacific Synod Council will vote on issuing an apology & returning Rev. Nelson Rabell to the roster. But there's a problem. Read more

April 9, 2023

Just as Jesus appeared to Thomas, the risen Christ come to us as we are touching the wounds of our planet to bring healing and hope. Read more

April 8, 2023

During Holy Week, we remember that Jesus was laid in the tomb. Today we mourn mass extinction which is leading to ecosystem collapse. Read more

April 7, 2023

Jesus died a ruthless death in the crucifixion. This year, 43,000 animals died from a toxic train derailment in Ohio - eco-crucifixion. Read more

April 6, 2023

Ecological Stations of the Cross #5. Jesus was stripped of his garments. Today, waste and trash strip Earth of its health, dignity & beauty. Read more

April 5, 2023

Ecological Stations of the Cross, #4. Luke 23:27-28. Weeping for our children and Creation in the age of eco-crucifixion. Read more

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