Avoid Sexual Incoherence

Avoid Sexual Incoherence February 7, 2017

photo-1457301473530-d6d4d4d7b824_optFemale and male . . . God created both.

And oddly that is now one of the most controversial things Christians believe on the very white, very wealthy fringes of global culture. Sadly, those fringes are dominate in some places in the United States.

Most of the world supports marriage between a man and a woman, because people believe both the woman’s and the man’s voice is necessary to raising a child. All loves are not equal because some loves cannot be fecund and some loves can. Some loves model all of humanity and some (like friendship) do not.

One reason I refuse to work in a place without women and men’s voices is this truth. How could we design an education without all of God’s image at the table?

Are there people confused about their identity? There are. We should be charitable and have mercy. I use the pronouns people prefer, because who would hurt the hurting more? Does biology get complicated? It does, but still we are a two sex species. There is no third sex, let alone a fourth.

Look at protests to President Trump and realize: they assume male and female. The “gender binary” might be out at many schools, or at least in many departments, but it is so deeply part of our biology, history, culture, and reality that it will never be removed without totalitarian force. If you have visited an American university, you know there is no shortage of people who hope to use force to get rid of women and men.

Our good manners to people must be imposed on us as truth. Our dissent must be crushed.

Thankfully this is not most people, but it is growing. The reaction, however, is equally disturbing. If asked to choose between a groping, ugly “Madmen” culture and a gender fluid totalitarian culture, the answer of the Christian must be: “No.”

We have always known that all of us struggle to be normal, but we refuse to give up on normalcy. We also refuse “boys will be boys” and the caddish behavior of the roue.


We want ladies and gentleman: equal before God. We recognize the different voices of women and men and value both voices. We refuse confusion, division, and incoherence.

The United States must not allow the fringes, mostly white, mostly coastal, to cut us off from human history and the rest of the globe. They mock us and are horrified by our escape from sexual reason.

Isn’t it time to say: “Women matter. Women’s voices matter.” Nobody who is a man can speak with a woman’s voice. No surgery can make a man a woman and no man can speak for women. Otherwise the sheer inconsistency and incoherence of the “new” sexuality will destroy the progress we have made. . . .

When you see an attack on the President’s cabinet as full of white “men,” ask: “How do you know they are men?” The assumption that people who look like men are men is offensive . . . unless you assume the old categories. Isn’t the assumption of the old categories offensive? How can you have a march with “pussy hats” when not all women have female genitalia? Why should a school have a women’s team when it should have a team for the other gender choices too?

Consistency is the enemy of degeneracy.

We must hear women’s voices and men’s voices. We must do to the broken as we would have them do to us, but we must not eliminate the voice of women by pretending men can be women.


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