An Open Letter to James Garfield On President’s Day

An Open Letter to James Garfield On President’s Day February 15, 2016

500px-Ole_Peter_Hansen_Balling_-_James_Garfield_-_Google_Art_Project_optDear Mr. Garfield,

You were shot for refusing to be a partisan hack by a madman who thought we needed more partisanship and hackery.

We never had a chance to see how you would have governed. Let me suggest that you return and we give you another chance. The Grand Old Party that you helped found needs you.

We know the horrific medical science of your time killed you. Doctors poked around inside of you without any sanitation.

Since you did not get to finish your term, I have some hope that you could serve a full two terms. Would you consider it?

You were a member of the House, elected to the Senate, and elected overwhelmingly President. When everyone wanted someone else for President, you came to a divided Republican convention and united it with your integrity and brilliance.

You chose to serve in the Civil War and fought with courage. Despite being raised with all the racism of your time, you consistently supported equal rights. You were a voice for the freedman and for moderation. We have the Fifteenth Amendment partly through your hard work.

You were not President for long, but you purged corruption and reasserted Presidential power against the Senate. You were a man that told the truth even when it hurt. You were classically educated despite coming from poverty. You were not perfect, your marriage had a rocky time and you were tempted by wealth, but you always chose right over wrong in the end.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. You are a good man, albeit dead, and I wish you could come to the aid of our party.

Republicans need a man who is classically educated and values education.

Republicans need a man who came from the people, but does not hate the rich.

Republicans need a man who cares about liberty, but also about morality.

Republicans need a man with flaws who repented and did what was right.

Republicans need a man who will chase the moneychangers out the Temple of Republican values and stand up for the common man.

We found you once. We look to you again.

And yet I know. I know you have gone to God and to ask you to come and save us is selfish. Time has passed and you would have too much to learn to serve effectively if you came indeed. We have learned that even “benevolent” racism is still wrong. Your time is past.

Why is it then I feel that we still need you? We need your integrity, your essential incorruptibility, your ability to admit sin and error, and move on. You were a man of God who needed grace, but gave grace. When you worked the canal boats as a laborer, when you served as a lay preacher after being born again, when you repented of failure, when you were dying of infection as President, you remained fundamentally a decent man.

We could use you. At the very least we could use men like you. If you note this letter, say a prayer for us, martyred President.

We need your like again.

John Mark N. Reynolds.


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