The Dove, the Puppy, Athena, and the Mouse

The Dove, the Puppy, Athena, and the Mouse March 23, 2021

Spring has sprung.

In Houston that means critters, sheep gamboling at The College, chickens laying eggs at The School, and the hawks and feral cats lurking nearby. The mosquitos  have not yet reached their full gigantic size- still unable to carry a gator to their bayou home. This is a time for the younglings explore.

One morning I came out the front door to find a dove nesting in our window box bringing two eggs to maturity. She looks like an animatronic prop that we lifted from Disneyland, but the droppings are real. Nessie the Wonder Dog can now sprint for the ball tirelessly as this is a season neither pipe-breaking cold nor swamp monster hot: a Houston rarity. Meanwhile, in the bathroom, in the dark, a wee mouse went skittering across the floor near my bare foot.

One of these rites of Spring was unpleasant.

Having read great books, and watched Mel Blanc era cartoons, I knew what was needed: a broom. The broom and a keen eye ended the house mouse, proving that a classical education has practical value. The dove still sits patiently, even when Nessie runs by her nest. Athena, our aged cat, no longer can be bothered with any of this nonsense, sitting on the dining room table presiding over her twentieth spring.

Spring is a good time to put things in their place for the summer to come. Mice come to gnaw, chew, and destroy. They must go. The dove has found a good place where she only adds beauty to our lives. We will keep her safe. Nessie, wondrous canine, helped us frolic with her waggly ways in the Pandemic and this Springtime she is delighted to meet the sheep and get reacquainted with her chickens. Athena earned her place as a ratter long ago, so if the mouse transgressed without her noticing, then we will not point out to her the error.

My hope is that this Spring, I will be able to write again at length, getting my book project done. May the little nagging mice of depressive thoughts be banished, swept out by God’s good broom. Come Heavenly Dove and fill me! May I joyfully greet You Lord and as I age find a place in your Kingdom.

Lent will end, Pascha is coming, Spring is upon us.

May we drive out the mice, grant sanctuary to the doves, and frolic with the puppy!


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