April 27, 2016

Hamlet is one type of boyfriend to be avoided at all costs. Dads cannot control their daughter’s lives, but if either of my daughters met Hamlet, I would have a strong opinion about the relationship. I sympathize with the poor lad and his horrid family background, but a relationship is not cheap therapy. Does Hamlet have potential? Sure he does and my advice would be that when he finally actualizes that potential he should give one the girls a call.... Read more

April 26, 2016

There is no escape from this life, what we have done, and the person we become. Those are facts and the sooner we start to deal with them, the happier we shall be. This will come as bad news to many, I am sure I don’t like it (at first.) Atheists sometimes claim that theists adopt belief in God out of fear of death. Somebody may have done this, but as CS Lewis pointed out in Surprised by Joy, many fewer than... Read more

April 25, 2016

Higher education begins in learning to form and ask good questions. A good professor challenges our deepest ideas and helps us see the world in a new way. The result of this education will be an ability to act. The best questions challenge the intellect, move the heart, and motivate action. Socrates called his students to know themselves. This did not mean endless self-introspection. One of the hardest ways to know myself is to focus on myself. The best way to learn who I... Read more

April 24, 2016

Everything may not turn out perfectly in this life, but by God’s grace everything will be fine. History ends with the triumph of Jesus and the Kingdom of God and so we can take a more optimistic view of life: we are in a divine comedy that might will contain tragedy, but that sorrow will be swallowed up in a great marriage between God and humankind. The fact that much of broken, fallen life is a farce leads some of... Read more

April 23, 2016

Nothing is worse than when the rich oppress the poor except, perhaps, when the poor revolt and murder for justice. Oppression and revolution are both ugly. America has a ruling oligarchy too content in power, but also a rising underclass full of envy and ill considered anger. Nobody is right and everybody is wrong. We are in a dangerous moment. The poor are restrained by the state, eaten up by our wars, corrupted by the libertine morals of the upper... Read more

April 22, 2016

We have a Presidential candidate who says we are going to win so much as a nation that we will get tired of winning. On the other hand, he looks like a sure loser in the general election. Should winning (if he can fulfill his promises) or losing (if he can’t beat Hillary) determine if we vote for Donald J. Trump? For Christians the answer is generally “no.” Winning (whatever that means) is not a good enough reason to support... Read more

April 21, 2016

We are always looking for heroes. Often we find someone we admire, a political, religious, or cultural leader, only to be let down when we learn more about them. I have known some actual heroes and it gives me hope for the future. William Shakespeare helps us recognize a real hero by giving us an image of one in his Henry V.  The Christian hero lives a sacrificial life for a community in service to a cause bigger than himself. Such... Read more

April 20, 2016

God exalts the humble and Satan tempts us with the kingdoms of this world. American self-help or business books may not like this truth, but true it is nonetheless. We are eternal beings and striving, coveting, lusting after place and position will destroy us. In this Presidential year, when we are apt to judge the candidates, perhaps we should turn the light of truth on ourselves. Shakespeare, the great Christian sage, can help us. He gives us a perfect image... Read more

April 19, 2016

Woe is not romantic, but art can make it feel that way. If a piece of literature, a movie, or a play is true to life, woe or sorrow or misery are good signs that you are in trouble. If nothing else, when romance hurts, physically or mentally, it is time to step back, get outside help, and consider whether a sickness had masqueraded as love. Shakespeare made the difference between true love and an overly violent, hasty affection plain... Read more

April 18, 2016

Love can make you stupid . . . or seemingly stupid. People in love believe all kinds of things and have hope that kingdoms can grow out of the wilderness. Shakespeare made kingdoms grow out of nearly nothing on the stage, surviving critics, censors, and plagues to achieve unmatched greatness . . . and yet he is dead. Doesn’t that prove something? It might if death is the end, but it is not. Shakespeare understood this and so could write... Read more

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