April 17, 2016

It should be a tragedy, because envy and revenge always end in tragedy. They are the work of devils and Satan always comes to steal and destroy.  The Winter’s Tale does not end in death, but in marriages, the mark of a classical comedy, and so the author, William Shakespeare, reminds his audience that all tragedy in this life is (eventually) made whole in the Wedding of God and man. This is very practical, because very true. It is very easy... Read more

April 16, 2016

I love watching football . . . to the point that I once gave the Green Bay Packers money for “one share” of the team . . . but the movie Concussion and an examination of the facts has given me pause about the game. Can I enjoy a sport that is killing the men who play the game? Can this issue be solved without destroying the essence of the sport? I don’t know, but sadly I am glad that my children... Read more

April 15, 2016

Today your taxes are due. Yesterday in 1865 Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Last night in 1912 the good ship RMS Titanic sank with hundreds of souls. What do you do the day after a bad day? Most of us have them, but what comes next? The day after a very bad day is hard, but it can also be the start of better times. Generally, I have found that the greatest sorrow comes later, the mourning doesn’t hit that first... Read more

April 14, 2016

Human beings have a power that comes from the Almighty and this power can do great good. Use it today and you cooperate with God in giving deeper meaning to every place you visit, every object you own, and even to past events. Nature and Nature’s God makes the mountain, but we give it a name. Workmen build a house, but a mother, father, and children make it a home. A cheap piece of wood, string, and a bit of... Read more

April 13, 2016

Life, like the RMS Titanic, is quite wonderful, though not equally so for all of us. Beauty is all around, yet the marvelous voyage ends in the cold waters of death. Nobody “wins” at life and so preparing for the final challenge is essential. You don’t want to be a coward and leave behind a legacy of shame. There is a time to “be calm and carry on,” but when the liner strikes the iceberg, the time has come to... Read more

April 12, 2016

The year is steaming toward April 14 and 15 . . . one hundred and four years ago the good ship RMS Titanic hit an iceberg in the Atlantic and on this date many of the passengers had days to live. When the ship hit the iceberg many people behaved like heroes and some like cowards, but it would be better not to have been on the ship at all. The White Star Line behaved stupidly before and after the crisis.... Read more

April 11, 2016

Whether you watch the movie Metropolis or read Republic or simply sit with the Psalms, recall that you can be wounded in your heart or your head. Both wounds matter. God designed both your heart and your head to give you direction and being disabled either place is dangerous. Take time to get better. We cannot live by head knowledge alone or be sustained as whole souls merely by our heart. Let’s briefly define terms. I am using “head” as shorthand for... Read more

April 10, 2016

Warren Throckmorton is a good man and as a leader in taking down liars and grifters like David Barton he has been a great man. He is a man of principle with integrity, both qualities in short supply in the Republican Party Yet I disagree with Dr. Throckmorton on his case for never casting a vote for Ted Cruz in the general election. Like the good Professor, if I had picked the nominee, we would not be left with a... Read more

April 9, 2016

My Dad is always teaching me something new. Our family has always had a saying that there are three ways to do a home improvement project: the right way, the wrong way, and the Reynolds’ way. The Reynolds’ way is to get the job done, but in a manner unanticipated by the instruction manual. At the end of the project, the Reynolds’ way will produce an object that works, but often not predictably. This can be good. Today Dad mentioned a... Read more

April 8, 2016

Donald J. Trump will never be President of the United States, but he can still win. He is the Republican kingmaker and if he plays it correctly, then for the rest of his life he will be a beloved member of the new Republican Party. He can assure his causes: immigration, trade, and American nationalism  dominate the Party. He cannot be the nominee, but he can pick the nominee. He is unlikely to get enough delegates to get a first... Read more

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