What is God’s Blueprint for Building a Godly Household?

What is God’s Blueprint for Building a Godly Household? February 24, 2024


A godly household studying scripture together. / Photo courtesy of iStockphoto.com, by FatCamera


Every family has non-negotiable house rules. Growing up in a godly household meant attending church every Sunday, and saying grace before meals.

Two other non-negotiable rules were not being allowed to listen to music with profanity or watch cartoons containing sorcery. Like most children, I believed some of the rules were strict and unnecessary. 

As an adult, I realize my mother implemented these rules to show me how to live in a godly manner.

Are you a mature Christian who wants to ensure your home reflects your faith but is still determining how? Are you a new believer in need of a metaphorical home renovation that resembles your spiritual transformation?

Let’s take a look at the Bible’s home remodeling plan.

God’s Original Design 

Adam & Eve

According to the creation account, God creates Adam and Eve to dwell together in his presence in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:4-25). This account also shows God calls man to be the head of the family, manage the garden, and exercise dominion over the animals. 

The woman is to be a helper who assists the man with his responsibilities and be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28; 2:18-24). They are to fulfill these rules in total freedom as their creator only commands them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:1-3).

Life is perfect! But no matter how “easy” a parent tries to make life for their child, they still disobey the rules. 

Adam and Eve’s sin disrupts their unity with God as they lose the ability to dwell in his presence. Dissension also exists among humans as their fall leads to a host of sins that make existing together peacefully impossible.

Old Testament Demolition

The 10 Commandments

The rest of Genesis details the drama sin causes within families. Yet, God promises to make the lineage of Abraham as numerous as the stars (Genesis 15:5-6).

Blessing this lineage involves relocating the Israelites from Cannan to Egypt, delivering them from slavery, and guiding them through the wilderness. While In the wilderness, God also gives Israel ten commandments to set them apart from pagan nations.

The 10 Commandments state

    1. You can have no other gods but Me.
    2. Do not worship false idols.
    3. Do not use the Lord’s name in vain.
    4. Honor the Sabbath by keeping it holy.
    5. Honor your parents.
    6. Do not commit murder.
    7. Do not commit adultery.
    8. Do not steal.
    9. Do not bear false witness.
    10. Do not covet.

The 10 Commandments are still essential principles for a godly household today because they continue to separate believers from unbelievers. The first law proves this as many Americans embrace universalist teachings suggesting there are multiple ways to God.

However, Bible believers know Jesus is the only way to salvation because he reconciled humanity back to God through his crucifixion (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). These laws also reveal how followers are to honor both their creator and fellow human beings.   

The Shema

Another guideline that should be a staple in a godly household is the Shema. The Shema is a call for Israelites to understand their God is one and they must love him with their whole being (Deuteronomy 6:4-5).

Jews make this declaration because they believe God is one with all of creation and everything depends on him. 

Verses 6-9 urge readers to integrate God’s commands into their homes by teaching them to their kids, talking about them regularly, and making them visible in their houses.  

Joshua’s Declaration

Along with the Ten Commandments and the Shema, the declaration in Joshua 24:15 is an essential principle for a godly household. This is because Joshua is maintaining a holy stand for his family among adulterous Israelites. 

In the same way, believers must maintain a sanctified standard in their homes regardless of how others choose to behave.

New Testament Reconstruction

Christ the Solid Rock

Another biblical leader who encourages believers to live for the Lord is Jesus Christ. Scripture identifies him as the chief cornerstone individuals must build their faith and hope of salvation upon.

Jesus uses Matthew 7:24-25 to prove putting his teachings into practice will make you like a house that stands firm amid a storm. The house does not collapse because it is built on a solid foundation.

Therefore, believers should implement his teachings on the Beatitudes, prayer, fasting, giving, and loving enemies and neighbors into their personal lives. Making this effort at home will help you remain secure in your faith when life’s trials arise.

Four Core Values 

In addition to implementing Jesus’ teachings, there are four core values a godly household must uphold. 

These values are 

    1. Love.
    2. Forgiveness.
    3. Peace.
    4. Hospitality.

Love becomes evident in the home as spouses commit to care for each other the way Paul describes in Ephesians 5:21-33. Love also manifests as children obey their parents and parents teach them the Lord’s ways without exasperation (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4).

1 Peter 4:8 says love covers a multitude of sins. This is important to remember because everyone does wrong. Genesis proves this as themes of sibling rivalry, favoritism, dishonor, deception, and jealousy cause dissension in families. 

Therefore, families must be willing to forgive and reconcile as soon as possible. By forgiving each other families will be exhibiting the same forgiveness they want to receive from the Lord (Matthew 6:14). 

When forgiveness occurs, peace is in the atmosphere. Peace is essential because it reveals who is righteous and allows the Holy Spirit to bear fruit in their life (Galatians 5:22; James 3:18). Paul also instructs Christians to pursue and be at peace with everyone (Romans 12:18; 1 Peter 3:11).

Without hostility, your home can become a refugee from this crazy world as you experience the presence of Jehovah Shalom. Having a peaceful place also makes your space inviting to others. This is a blessing as you get to practice the biblical principle of hospitality.

Do you want to become more hospitable but don’t know how? Jennifer McCaman says being hospitable involves serving others by being inclusive, meeting needs, and not trying to impress guests. 

Above all make sure every aspect of your house represents God and draws others closer to him. “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything (Hebrews 3:4, New International Version).





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