The “Common” use of 1 Timothy 6:10 Today
1 Timothy 6:10 says,”for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (New Living Translation).
This quote from the Apostle Paul is common among Christians and non-Christians alike. This is due to the reality that the desire for money influences people to acquire wealth in unethical ways
Proverbs proves this when Solomon tells his son not to befriend those who conspire to become wealthy through robbery. In the New Testament when he betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
Sadly, Judas’s betray leads to his demise as he later commits suicide. Judas’s fate should be a deterrent against illegally obtaining money.
Unfortunately, this obsession with money that leads to unethical conduct still exists today.
In the song “Money“, Michael Jackson talks about how people will lie, die, and sell their soul to the devil for money. Rappers Skyzoo and Scarface follow suit when mentioning how money is a source of happiness that makes the world function.
Ultimately, this function is dysfunctional as most of their motivation for gaining wealth stems from corruption.
But what does Paul actually mean when declaring “the love of money is a root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10).
Before explaining the meaning of 1 Timothy 6:10, let’s highlight the scriptural context behind Paul’s statement.
The Scriptural Context for 1 Timothy 6:10
The Relationship Between Paul and Timothy
Highlighting the scriptural context behind 1 Timothy 6:10 requires one to understand the relationship between Paul and Timothy.
Timothy is from the City of Lystra in Asia Minor. 2 Timothy 1:5 credits his mother and grandmother with raising him.
Scripture also identifies his mother Eunice as Jewish but her Husband as Greek. Unfortunately, Timothy’s mixed heritage makes him a social outcast, being too Greek for the Jews to accept and vice versa.
Despite being a social outcast, Timothy matures to become a great leader within the Christian faith.
God initiates Timothy’s maturation process by allowing him to see Paul in action during one of his missionary journeys. Timothy witnesses the power of the Gospel through Paul by
- Hearing him preach salvation through Jesus Christ with strong conviction.
- Seeing him heal a lame man.
- Seeing him endure persecution through a near death stoning.
This divine encounter inspires Timothy to devote his life to Christ and diligently study scripture. God rewards Timothy’s devotion by allowing others to notice his wisdom and Paul to recognize his potential.
Paul develops Timothy’s potential by taking him on his missionary journeys and overtime commissions him to lead various churches they establish.
The Purpose of 1 Timothy
One specific church Paul appoints Timothy to lead is the Church of Ephesus. While an exciting task, the appointment comes with some challenges.
Paul helps Timothy face these challenges by writing him a letter known as 1 Timothy. The letter tells Timothy how believers must behave in God’s house, the pillar and support of the truth.
Paul’s letter does this by advising Timothy through various challenges in the church such as
- False versus true doctrine (1 Timothy 1:3-17).
- The importance of prayer (1 Tim. 2:1-8).
- The role of women (1 Tim. 2:9-15).
- Leadership qualifications (1 Tim.3:1-13).
- Identifying true and false teachers (1 Tim. 4:1-16)
- How to treat church members (1 Tim. 5:1-6:2).
- The danger of false teaching (1 Tim.6:3-5).
- Character of a godly man (1 Tim.6:11-16).
- Properly handling truth and treasure (1 Tim.6:17-21).
Along with properly handling treasure, Paul uses 1 Timothy 6:3-10 to address the dangers of greed and loving money.
The Meaning of 1 Timothy 6:10
The introduction section mentions that “a love of money is a root of all kinds of evil” is a common phrase (1 Timothy 6:10, NLT).
Though common, how many Christians take the time to research the actual meaning of the entire verse?
Those who have yet to study this verse must know 1 Timothy 6:10 does not end with the word evil. Instead, Paul concludes with the desire for money luring people away from the faith and causing themselves grief.
According to scholars, grief comes as people focus on material gain rather than drawing closer to God. Scholars also acknowledge how greed acts as a gateway to more sin and self inflicted consequences.
Scripture validates this teaching through verse nine as Paul mentions that longing to be rich is a temptation leading to destruction.
Maybe this is why God uses the New Testament to show us the chaos greed can cause. Chaos like
- Judas’s suicidal death after betraying Jesus.
- The rich man residing in hell after refusing to help the poor.
- A rich man sadly rejecting salvation due to his love for wealth.
- Annanias and Sapphira dying after lying to the Holy Spirit about their wealth.
How To Avoid Falling In Love with Money
Find Contentment in the Lord
So, how can Christians overcome the temptation and desire to be rich? Paul says godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:8).
Believers can find contentment in the Lord through spiritual disciplines that help us draw closer to him. Spiritual disciplines like
- Prayer: where we can ask for his help to be content.
- Fasting: so God can help us resist fleshly passions.
- Reading scripture: to learn more about God, his many blessings and resists sin.
- Singing: helps us remain filled with the Holy Spirit.
- Journaling: so we can reflect and thank God for all he does.
- Serving others: which helps us realize the blessings we have.
- Tithing: to remember our finances belong to God.
- Quiet meditation: to receive revelation about what troubles and tempts us.
Practicing these disciples helps believers regain our focus when sin tempts us to fall in love with money.
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