The month of April is National Poetry Month. In honor of this occasion, I will use a poem by Asaph to show you how to regain your focus in a fallen world.
Are there any experiences you’ve had that make life seem unfair? Maybe they left you believing those who do wrong will always excel.
Perhaps you think God does not care about the evil taking place all around the world. If you have these feelings, you are not alone as Asaph expresses similar sentiments in Psalm 73:1-28.
Asaph & His Struggles
Before readers can relate to his feelings or appreciate how he was able to regain his focus, readers must understand Asaph’s background.
The name Asaph means gatherer and in scripture is known as
- A Levite and leader in David’s choir (1 Chronicles 6:39).
- A Psalmist (Psalm 50, 73-83).
- A seer skilled in music (2 Chronicles 29:30).
Envy (Psalm 73:1-3)
The above information along with Psalm 73:1 depicts Asaph as Levite who knows God is good to Israel. In verse one, Asaph also declares God is good to those with pure hearts.
While Asaph understands God’s goodness, he admits, “my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold” (Psalm 73:2; New International Version). This admission in Psalm 73:2-3 means Asaph almost loses faith in God because he envies wicked people’s prosperity.
Many Christians can relate to the psalmist struggle as serving the Lord seems unbeneficial when unrighteous people prosper. But why do believers envy the wicked knowing God will supply all their needs?
My first time asking this question was during a Young Adult Bible study. My young adult minister responded by explaining the difference between being blessed and prosperous.
Being blessed means the hand of God is upon an individual’s life causing them to succeed in all their efforts. Jacob and King David prove this as their success comes from God’s favor in their lives (Genesis 30:29-43; 1 Samuel 18:14-16).
On the other hand, being prosperous means an individual can be successful with or apart from God’s blessing. King Nebuchadnezzar was content and prosperous in his palace even though he did not honor the Lord as the true and living God (Daniel 4:4).
A False Perception of Reality (Psalm 73:4-16)
Asaph’s envy of the prosperity of the wicked causes him to develop a false perception of reality. He believes the wicked have no concerns as they act proudly, fail to reverence the Lord, and keep gaining wealth (Psalm 73:4-12).
Along with lacking an accurate understanding of the ways of the wicked, Asaph also exaggerates the condition of his life. Asaph believes the decision to maintain a pure and innocent heart has been in vain since he endures constant affliction (Psalm 73:13-15).
Verse sixteen reveals the more Asaph tries to make sense of his circumstances, the more troubled he becomes.
Turning to God’s Presence
The Importance of God’s Presence (Psalm 73:17)
Verse seventeen shows the Psalmist’s perspective on his life and the unrighteous changes when he enters the sanctuary.
In biblical times, entering a temple was the only way Israelites could encounter the presence of God. God’s presence was confined to the temple so the Israelites went there to make atoning sacrifices for their sins (Exodus 39-40).
Thankfully, Jesus paid the price for sin, and now believers have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside them (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Now all you need to do is seek the Lord’s presence.
The Benefits of Residing in God’s Presence (Psalm 73:18-28)
Psalm 73:18-28 reveals three benefits of residing in the Lord’s presence.
- Revelation (v.18-20)
- Asaph realizes the wicked will face destruction one day.
- Repentance (v.21-22)
- Asaph admits he allowed bitterness to turn him into an ignorant brute before the Lord.
- Relationship (v.23-28).
- Asaph acknowledges God has always been upholding and guiding him.
- Asaph also recognizes God is his strength and portion forever. He realizes God is the source of all contentment and needs nothing else.
- Asaph makes God his refuge and desires to tell the world about his deeds
- In John 15:4-5, Jesus says those who abide in him will be fruitful.
The Psalmist experience shows you can regain your focus and overcome the temptation to envy the world in God’s presence.
7 Spiritual Disciplines that Help You Regain Your Focus
Seven spiritual disciplines will help you regain your focus in God’s presence.
- Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:7).
- Reading scripture ( Psalm 119:10-11; Matthew 4:4).
- Fasting (Isaiah 53:6-7; Matthew 6:16-18).
- Singing and listening to worship music (Psalm 100:2; Ephesians 5:19).
- Building relationships with fellow believers (Proverbs 17:17; Matthew 18:20).
- Having a Sabbath Day (Exodus 20:8-11).
- Journaling (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).
What Should You Be Focused On?
After taking the time to regain your focus by being in the presence of God, you may be wondering where your attention should lie. You should make sharing the Gospel and talking about the goodness of the Lord a top priority.
Asaph does this in Psalm 73:28 when he declares his willingness to tell of the Lord’s deeds. Matthew 28:19 also contains the Great Commission where Jesus instructs believers to spread the Gospel worldwide.
Spreading the Gospel is necessary because people need to hear about God’s goodness from your perspective. As a Christian, you also must tell this fallen world there is a savior, (Jesus Christ) who dealt with unfairness in life just like them.
However, Jesus never sinned and chose to be crucified to offer eternal life to all people (John 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 5:21).
Think, Tell, Pray, Remember
If you desire to regain your focus by being in God’s presence and sharing your faith, take these four steps:
- Think of one spiritual discipline you can practice this week to help you remain in the presence of God.
- Tell someone you know about the goodness of the Lord.
- Pray for and act on opportunities to share the Gospel with an unbeliever.
- Remember you can regain your focus and overcome the temptation to live like the world by getting into the presence of God.
Taking these steps will allow you to draw closer to the Lord. They will also enhance your ability to pray and be an effective witness for the Lord as you learn to take refuge in him.
“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of your deeds” (Psalm 73:28; New International Verison).