As we approach the last two weeks of the year, I’d like to reflect on my 2024.
By sharing my experiences, I pray you find the inspiration to trust God on a deeper level. I also hope being transparent about my shortcomings will encourage you not to give up on your spiritual growth.
What Went Wrong?
Didn’t Read Through the Entire Bible
Spiritually, my 2024 began well. I set a goal to spend the year reading through the entire Bible with a class at my church. Reading the Pentateuch was exciting as I got to review Israel’s struggles and triumphs.
Unfortunately, after completing the first five books, the thrill of a new challenge wore off. Getting through the rest of the Old Testament became a daily struggle.
Thankfully, using audio programs like Streetlights Bible makes the challenge easier.
With that being said, changes in job and ministry obligations have taken my focus away from my 365 day reading plan. I am disappointed because there is so much in scripture I still do not know.
I am also upset because I missed out on specific ways God desires to reveal himself and teach me daily. The good news is this failure shows I need more discipline.
I must make reading through the whole Bible a higher priority than other activities.
My 2024 Prayer Life
Along with the failure to read through the whole Bible, my 2024 was rough due to an inconsistent prayer life. Paul suggests men who lift their hands to pray should devote themselves to God in ways that please him.
This verse also suggests that men who commit themselves to prayer and honoring the Lord should keep themselves from becoming angry and argumentative. Ironically, Paul’s words explain why I find myself becoming more easily angered and argumentative than I have in years.
I’m trying to show myself grace because I know I’m not perfect and will not always make the right choices. At the same time, I must return to the habit of waking up at 5:00 a.m. to commune with my heavenly Father.
Of course, I’ve struggled with sins while being consistent with this discipline. However, my attitude towards life has never been this pessimistic.
I’m striving to end this year returning to sincere prayer so the joy of the Lord can be evident in my internal thoughts and external life.
Unexpected Outcomes and Blessings
The 2024 Presidential Election
many people, the joy of the Lord was hard to find on November 5, 2024. This is because Vice President Kamala Harris lost the presidential election.
Winning the election would have made her the first woman to become president of the United States.
While the outcome does not surprise me, seeing so many Howard University students filled with grieve over the loss was heartbreaking.
Like those students, I believe Vice President Harris has the best intentions for America. While her vision will not come to fruition, her failure reminds me to keep my focus on the Lord.
This is because putting my hope in political leaders could lead to idolatry if I am not careful to seek God and ask him to guide authority figures. Knowing this, I am determined to pray that God’s plan for the U.S. will be accomplished through President-elect Donald Trump.
While he is not my choice I understand the promotion of any leader ultimately comes from the Lord. I also believe God will soften his heart and keep him from doing anything that will harm the overall well-being of America.
I mention this because my 2024 presidential election disappointment is a reminder that life will not always go our way. However, God will always work things out for his glorious purpose.
Returning to Youth Ministry
Along with the presidential election, God also worked out my role in ministry according to his purpose. In the article, Lessons and Blessings of Serving the Youth Ministry, I mention stepping down from this leadership position.
My desire for departing from this role was to rest and focus on life outside of Ministry responsibilities. Yet like Solomon says while man makes plans it is the Lord who orders our steps.
In August, the Lord not only led me back to youth ministry but also to serving as an assistant to individuals under forty in my family unit.
While these are responsibilities I did not expect, I see them as God answering prayer to help me do his will.
Heading into 2025, I’m praying God will grant me the grace, wisdom, willingness, and relational skills necessary to continue serving my church well through these opportunities.
I’m also seeking him for discernment concerning which responsibilities to relinquish so I can be effective in my serving.
I want to be a good example of the faith and pour into others in ways honorable to those who continue to invest in me.
What Went Right in My 2024?
Professional Success
Another way I wish to honor those who pour into me is by giving my best effort professionally. At my job as a Guest Experience Ambassador with DC United, I took on a slightly different role.
In previous seasons, I worked as an elevator attendant and ticket taker. This year, I was given the opportunity to manage the guest services booth and assist staff in the uniform room.
These are two essential positions only select staff can work. I am thankful my managers believe I can excel in these roles.
I try to show appreciation for their trust by providing the best customer service possible. My efforts were rewarded by
- Earning Man of the Match a few times.
- Being awarded the CVS Helping Hands Member of the Match.
- Ranked in the top three and honorable mention for two customer service awards.
While I do not strive to earn these awards, the acknowledgement feels good. Additionally, I love knowing I’m walking in answered prayers.
I have doubts about my ability to do well in the sports industry. However, God is faithful and continues to make his strength perfect in my weakness.
Excelling as a Writer
Along with success in the sports industry, I had success as a writer this year. I became an author on April 3, with the release of my book “Struggle and Redemption.”
This book serves as my testimony in the form of poetry and spoken word. My 2024 also involved an honorable moment as a spoken word artist.
On April 28, I recited a piece called “A New Thing” at Mount Sinai Baptist Church’s 114th Anniversary Homecoming Celebration. These accomplishments prove God rewards those who diligently seek him and desire to use their gifts to make him known (Hebrews 11:6).
As I testify through this article, It’s worthy mentioning that this is the end of my first as Patheos Columnist. I am thankful for the guidance of Alan Crandall who gives great advice concerning how to thrive as a writer in this company.
Additionally, I take delight in researching new topics which helps me provide readers with a variety of content. I pray God continues to bless my column and allow it to be an influential voice for the Body of Christ.
I’m grateful for all the ways God has blessed my 2024 and can’t wait to see what he will do in 2025. To God be the glory!
How was your 2024? What accomplishments or failures are a source of motivation as you prepare for the new year. I’d love to hear your story. Your comments are greatly appreciated!