Autumn Sweaters

Autumn Sweaters September 19, 2016

David Russell Mosley

 Description English: Fall in New England. Date	11 October 2008 Source	Church and Autumn Leaves - Stowe, VT Author	Patrick from Barrington, RI, Moretown, VT, United States (CC BY 2.0)

English: Fall in New England.
Date 11 October 2008
Source Church and Autumn Leaves – Stowe, VT
Author Patrick from Barrington, RI, Moretown, VT, United States
(CC BY 2.0)

Ordinary Time
19 September 2016
The Edge of Elfland

Hudson, New Hampshire

Dear Readers,

As Autumn swiftly approaches, at least technically if not quite in the feel of the air, I thought I would share this very short, old poem of mine on Autumn. I hope you enjoy.

Autumn Sweaters

Bursting with gold, festooned in red
The trees dress for Summer’s end.
Their Autumn sweaters they gaily don
For the final festival of the year soon gone.


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