October 5, 2013

David Russell Mosley 5 October 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Students, Welcome, first and foremost, to my blog. I asked Pete a few days ago if it was alright to do a quick response to what we heard from Steve on Tuesday. He said yes, so now I’m burdening you with my thoughts. Please, take them for what they are, my personal, albeit reasoned and studied, thoughts. As Steve so rightly taught, it is essential to... Read more

September 30, 2013

David Russell Mosley   30 September 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, As Lauren and I have told some of you over the last few months, we have been in the process of discerning a call to ordination in the Church of England. It all began several months ago when a friend and new colleague at the university suggested it. She seemed to think I had skills and qualities necessary and needed in the... Read more

September 29, 2013

David Russell Mosley   Michaelmas 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, Today is what is often called in the Church Calendar Michaelmas or Michael and All Angels. Today we celebrate the fact that we are not alone in worshipping and serving the Lord our God. There are troops, whole companies of angels who do his will, his bidding. Perhaps this is just my own problem, but I certainly often find myself forgetting about angels.... Read more

September 26, 2013

David Russell Mosley 26 September 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, Lauren’s parents left us bright and early this morning at 4:45 after a tearful good-bye. It’s been a good visit with lots of time to relax. This trip did, however, mean for me no time to do a proper post on how I spent my weekend before my in-laws arrived. From the 13 to the 15 of September I stayed at Mucknell Abbey... Read more

September 18, 2013

David Russell Mosley 18 September 2013 The Edge of Elfland Windermere, Cumbria Dear Friends and Family, I’m in the Lake District on holiday with my wife and in-laws. This morning we were watching a morning news program on ITV where a brief story was given about police forces wanting to turn over dealing with drunks to private security companies. People who are drunk would be locked up in privately run cells and left there until they sober up, being charged... Read more

September 10, 2013

David Russell Mosley   10 September 2013 The Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, For a long time now, I have contemplated changing the name of this blog. If I could change the web address as well without loosing comments or stats (and if I can and you know how, please tell me), I would. The reason I have wanted to change the name has only recently dawned on me: It is unlikely I will spend the... Read more

September 6, 2013

David Russell Mosley 6 September 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, Yesterday I wrote to you about the importance of being poets and theologians. In order to be excellent poets and theologians, however, we need a steady diet of poetry ourselves. With that in mind, I submit to you some excellent poets, poems, or books of poetry for your consumption. Read and be transformed. This post will focus primarily on Western poetry since that... Read more

September 5, 2013

David Russell Mosley       5 September 2013 On the Edge of Elfland Beeston, Nottinghamshire     Dear Friends and Family,   Today I’m sitting outside, smoking my pipe, enjoying the wind on my face and my thoughts turned to my last post on the importance Faerie and Fantasy in the Christian Theology. I didn’t come to the importance of fantasy literature and today I’ll only touch on it lightly. What is more on my mind is the importance... Read more

August 27, 2013

A short post from biblical scholar Matt Malcolm about Nottingham’s new three-track options for undergraduates in theology and religious studies. Read more

August 26, 2013

David Russell Mosley 26 August 2013 Beeston, Nottinghamshire Dear Friends and Family, Here is my review of Peter Enns’ The Evolution of Adam. I hope you enjoy. Peter Enns seeks to evidence that in the Christian tradition, we do not need a historical Adam and Eve, that is, that our theology will not rise or fall on Adam and Eve’s existence or lack thereof. Enns first begins by discussing the changes geology and evolution caused in modern thinking about the... Read more

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