Sway- a poem for your March Day

Sway- a poem for your March Day March 11, 2015

Happy March.

Here’s a poem for you.




I like talking in tongues, painting in acrylic, petting my dog in the warm sun of midday,

serving the poor, being the hands and feet, and following that Jesus Way.


I cuss some, and moonshine is alright,

I sound like a sailor and I read my bible by the candlelight,


Sometimes in the cool of day, you can find me on my front port-






sitting in the swing, the rocking chair, or the pew,

talking to others about what Love might do.


And laughing, crying and being near

The sacred space where perfect love casts out all fear


And the invitation is open, for you to come sit on my porch with the crickets sanging,

smoke em if you got em,

Because at this house we  love, no empty noise, or brass clanging.


Some come all ye heavy laden, ye freaks, ye misfits, ye queer

Come to the front porch, Let’s sing a hymn and have a beer.

Sometimes the best art comes from the back porch. Sometimes, it comes front the front porch.
Sometimes the best art comes from the back porch. Sometimes, it comes front the front porch.

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