Hello Rumi Tuesday! Your way begins…

Hello Rumi Tuesday! Your way begins… August 16, 2016

Hello Rumi Tuesday


breaking brick wall 550x290


Your way begins


on the other side.


Become the sky.


Take an axe


to the prison wall.




Walk now


like someone suddenly


born into color.


Do it now.


~ Jalal ad-din Rumi
-Translated by Coleman Barks.




“Your way begins on the other side…”

While I love the poem,

I’m not sure I completely agree with this statement.

Are you not on your way now,

regardless of which path

is under your feet

or in front of you

or behind you?

I believe we are each

on the way that is intended for us.

Yet, every day we may meet

a new wall

that we need to break through.

We may discover a new self-imposed prison

to escape from.

As long as we exist in body,

we have the opportunity to be

born into brighter and bolder color,

until there is at once all colors

and no more color,

only the Essence of the One.

photo credits:
Copyright: ID 29149174 © Ivan Mikhaylov | Dreamstime.com
ID 47377906 © Hayati Kayhan | Dreamstime.com
© Roman Sakhno | Dreamstime.com - Breaking brick wall

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