Living with the Enemy

Living with the Enemy August 16, 2014

An Aussie TV station, SBS, is broadcasting a series called “Living with the Enemy,” including the story of  putting an Anglican minister and a gay couple under the same room for ten days.

No second prizes for guessing who the villain is in this show! The adjective “fundamentalist” pretty much gives the game away.

I haven’t seen this yet, but I have low expectations. This could have actually been a good opportunity to bring two different parties together, to see ourselves as others see us, to promote understanding, common concern for one another, even if disagreement continues. But the whole thing is packaged rather adversarially … which is perhaps the point I guess.

Rather terrifying was the quote, “If people have religious objections, they can have those religious objections, but they can have them somewhere else.”

You can watch a short promo clip for the show here.

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