by Chris Tomlin
Christ was “born to suffer, born to save, born to raise us from the grave.” The Apostle Paul tells it as a story of humiliation and exaltation. The humiliation looked like this: The Son of God was born in the likeness of men. He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death on a cross. (Phil 2:6-8). But then came the exaltation: God exalted His Son to the highest place and gave Him the name that is higher, more authoritative, and more powerful than any other. So great is His power that at His name every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (Phil 2:9-11) One of the great privileges God has given His people is the freedom to begin our worship of Christ on this side of eternity’s gate. Our worship here and now is a dress rehearsal for the eternal joy that awaits those whose faith is in Him. Adore Christ for His humiliation and exaltation.
Chris Tomlin is a world-renowned music artist and worship leader. His latest album Adore is now available.