2023 Reflections: The Year in Review

2023 Reflections: The Year in Review December 21, 2023

As 2023 turns into 2024, be safe and have a happy and healthy 2024

I want to thank everyone who has read and/or followed my column in 2023. As we turn the page and start to look at 2024, I thought we could take a look back at some of the topics we covered this past year.

2023 In Review

There were 22 articles published this year covering the following topics:

Looking Back

2023 was a very challenging year for all of us. The division in this country and across the globe widened as a number of very polarizing topics continued to be at the forefront of the news. As we end this year, we have an opportunity to look forward to 2024  with a fresh start. It’s time to put 2023 into the “Lessons Learned” bucket and hit the ground running in 2024. I pray that all have a safe holiday, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

God Bless



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