Prayer from the Assembly: Come, Holy Spirit

Prayer from the Assembly: Come, Holy Spirit June 15, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

This week, I’m gathering with Presbyterians from across the country for the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Whatever your faith-community or denomination, I invite you to join with me and with others in morning prayer each day this week, engaging the Pentecost text from Acts 2:1-21. Over the course of this week, I invite you to read and engage the full text of that Scripture in your life and in your prayer.

This morning, let us pray with verses 2-3 of Acts 2: “And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.”

From the very beginning of the church universal, the Holy Spirit has been present with us in our gathering. On that day of Pentecost, they said that they experienced the Spirit like the blowing of a mighty wind, like tongues of flame that rested on each one gathered.

Here are some questions for your prayer this morning:

  • Where have you experienced the holy in the company of others?
  • Gathered in the company of others, what was your experience of the Spirit like?
  • How is your experience of the Spirit different from gathering to gathering?
  • From gathering to gathering, what remains the same or constant?

Holy Spirit, come. Enter into our lives and fill us with your breath of life, like a mighty wind. Kindle our hearts to burn with the flame of your love. Help us to listen and watch for the presence of You. Amen.


Scott Clark is the Chaplain and Associate Dean of Student Life at San Francisco Theological Seminary, a seminary of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and of the ecumenical Graduate Theological Union.  Additionally, Scott’s ministry includes advocacy for the full inclusion of all people within the life of the church.  A former attorney, he has represented Presbyterian ministers who have been brought up on disciplinary charges by the church for celebrating the marriages of same-gender couples, and he currently serves on the board of More Light Presbyterians.

This week, Scott is participating in the national General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which will be considering a number of faith issues, including the marriage of same-gender couples.  Scott is participating in the Assembly as an “Overture Advocate” (one of the advocates sent from regional presbyteries on a particular issue).  With others, he is advocating for an amendment to the Presbyterian constitution that would affirm marriage equality for all people, including same-gender couples and their families.  Scott also is participating in the General Assembly as part of the team representing San Francisco Theological Seminary, hoping to open and energize discussion about innovation in ministry and in theological education. 

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