About Us

Welcome to Faith Forward, the group blog of the Progressive Christian Channel at Patheos.com.  Our hope is to create an online space for a wide variety of forward-thinking voices from the mainline, progressive and emergent church around the conversations that are shaping the future of the Church.

We are pastors, scholars, youth ministers, sacred artists, spiritual directors, laypeople, parents and youth — all seeking to express some piece of the glorious mystery of what it is to live faithfully as a Christian in a multi-faith world. We’ll be hosting conversations on the changing church landscape, transforming theology, spirituality, preaching, faith and culture, faith and politics, religion and science, interfaith dialogue, movies, the arts and sports.

Our faith is nothing if it’s not alive and incarnate in the world.  We hope the conversations we’re hosting will inspire you to be a more alive and gracious person of faith in this rapidly changing world. Come back often and join a discussion that inspires you, or raises a question for you.

And if you’d like to add your voice to this conversation, contact  us at [email protected].