May 24, 2016

Called to Community: The Life Jesus Wants for His People is a collection of 52 readings, with accompanying discussion questions, that lay claim to a fundamental truth:  Christian faith is connecting faith. As a direct challenge to the individualism and isolationism of contemporary secular notions of “freedom,” Charles Moore has brought together some seminal thinkers for reflecting on the abundant life, the life together, that Jesus envisions for those who follow him. And make no doubt about it, those who... Read more

May 23, 2016

My mom asked me the other day what I thought about the recent legislation in North Carolina  and Mississippi —the “bathroom bill” and “religious freedom” law that allow sweeping discrimination against LGBT individuals and couples in public spaces, the workplace, and even in family life. I’ve been following the news with interest in the past few months, although, to be honest, I’ve felt detached from the issues. Living on the Left Coast, in Portland, one of the country’s most liberal... Read more

May 17, 2016

it’s been months and weeks now. months since one friend died. weeks since the other. maybe because it’s been one after another, one too-soon death followed by another, i’ve tried mightily to listen to the lessons i’m certain they and the heavens were trying to teach. to pound into my thick hard impenetrable skull. to make sure i didn’t miss the point: live with all your heart. live now. don’t let waste a precious second. and do not get tangled... Read more

May 12, 2016

If ever there was a season for progressive-hearted people to urge their friends and neighbors to vote, this would be it. Ritual is one powerful way to help each other make and keep the commitment to vote. Ask your friend: “With which hand will you vote in the upcoming election?”  With both of your hands, clasp that hand, close your eyes, and say:  “May the love of God guide your hand to vote for the common good.  Amen!”  If you... Read more

May 11, 2016

Rethinking Church is not a new concept in the history of Christianity. The Church has seen transformations in multiple iterations throughout its life. So, when The United Methodist Church creates a piece within itself that is attempting to rethink church, the task is going to be filled with challenges and excitement. The latest shift in Christianity is slowly forming around one simple idea: listening through love. Churches all across the country are starting to realize that they should be spending... Read more

May 10, 2016

If you missed the movie premiere of The Armor of Light, the important and timely documentary about guns and Christians, and specifically one Evangelical pastor’s crusade against the prevailing Christian gun culture, you’ll have a chance to watch it tonight for free at 8pm EST on PBS’ Independent Lens. The film will be followed by a Town Hall conversation about faith and guns, moderated by NPR’s Michele Norris. You can also tune in to at 9:25pm for a live stream of the Town Hall; check your local listings to confirm... Read more

May 10, 2016

In flu season, we avoid shaking hands with each other for fear that we will pass the virus to others, or that others will pass the virus to us. We believe in germs. We believe in viruses. We believe in transmission. We believe in hand sanitizers. Some people do not participate in “the passing of the peace” because they fear they will inadvertently be passing germs and viruses to each other. They firmly believe they can transmit germs, but do... Read more

May 7, 2016

Over the next 12 months, the Forum for Theological Exploration is spotlighting 12 leaders, their stories, and how their passion and call to shape a more hopeful future through Christian ministry guides the impact they are making in their communities, institutions and universities.  You can find the full series, here. By Rev. Jennifer Bailey, Founder and Director of Faith Matters Network I am writing this reflection at the foot of my mother’s hospital bed as she lay sleeping. At 28 years old,... Read more

May 6, 2016

“I’m always inspired by dreamers and doers. Anyone who is thinking differently about how the world should work. Or anyone that is living out a common grace vision for their work. Creating good works that serve others and that last for more than a season or a weekend.” — Erik Lokkesmoe, founder of Different Drummer, on what inspires his work. At an early screening of Last Days in the Desert, the new movie starring Ewan McGregor, Executive Producer Erik Lokkesmoe told the... Read more

May 5, 2016

By Elizabeth Hagan Mothers Day. In many churches its celebrated as a church holiday when Pentecost, Trinity, or All Saints Day are not. In some, it’s the second highest attendance Sunday after Easter (I know it was in the churches I’ve pastored!). On May 8th, it will be rare that you don’t find a bulletin cover with the title “Mother’s Day” printed on the front. Oh, how we love the day! In fact, so many churches have Mother’s Day routines executed with robot-like procession. Few can... Read more

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