Although they love to go on and on about modesty, Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar sure don’t mind sharing TMI details about their sex life on national TV. The couple constantly brags about how they’re “trying” for yet another kid (yes, we do know where babies come from, but thanks for the visual) and Jim Bob’s pre-wedding “sex talk” with son Josh Duggar is still one of the most cringeworthy things I’ve ever seen on TV.
This week’s episode, though, brought a whole new level of ick. The episode was about how Jim Bob and Michelle and Josh and Anna Duggar celebrated their respective wedding anniversaries. In Jim Bob’s segment, he said that the most unusual place he and Michelle had ever had Bible study was in the bathtub, because he has a waterproof Bible. My only reaction to that charming moment was to back away slowly from the TV.
Do you think you can buy a waterproof Bible at the same place Alexis Bellino bought her Swarovski-encrusted ones? Is there a special “wacky Bibles” store just for reality TV stars? Apparently waterproof Bibles are so popular that this website sells multiple versions.