Over the years of becoming the woman God created her to be, Heather has learned to be grateful for the sweet moments in life and to grow in the painful moments. She is honored to share the lessons she has learned in life with her readers through her writing.
Heather is a mom of three young adults, has been married to her husband for 22 years, and is a proud fur mom to her dog, Iris, and two cats, Picasso and Esther. Heather has her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and is pursuing her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing.
She has been writing for over 13 years and is a self-published author with over 50,000 copies sold and over 100,000 copies given away. While her passion is writing non-fiction, specifically Bible Studies, she is boldly and obediently answering the call to write a fiction book that has been in her heart for over a decade.