1 Timothy 6:10 Meaning: Discover The Deeper Truth

1 Timothy 6:10 Meaning: Discover The Deeper Truth January 29, 2025

Bible study group sitting around table
Is greed a problem in your life? Click here to discover 1 Timothy 6:10 meaning and deeper truth to gain wisdom. // Photo Credit Unsplash+

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some have been led astray from the faith in their greed, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows. – 1 Timothy 6:10

1 Timothy 6:10 talks about the love of money and how greed can lead believers away from their faith. When I think of greed, I think of more than money. However, humans can get greedy for just about anything. Anyone can be overwhelmed by the desire for more money, power, friends, sales, time, and respect. 

Greed Can Be About More Than Just Money

All of the things you can get greedy about are things you may need. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have respect in a relationship. However, this can quickly become an entitlement, a sister sin to greed. This is a problem because respect is earned, and if you are more focused on receiving rather than giving, then you might miss opportunities to earn that respect. 

The Hard Lesson I Had To Learn

When it comes to money, I have had to wrestle with my own thoughts and desires. It is easy for me to justify not being generous with my time or money. Sometimes, I think that what I am doing is enough, and I miss opportunities to grow my faith and my giving. 

Being laid off from my job in 2023 made me look at my finances to see where we can cut back. Money issues like overspending can quickly progress without you knowing, especially if you are living beneath your means. I had to ask myself if I had more money and what I would do with that money. This is a question I still ask on a regular basis because I don’t want more money just to be able to do more, get more, or buy more of what I don’t really want or need. 

What Are You Trading For More Money?

Time is often exchanged for money. If you are earning money, there will be times when you need to decide if something else is worth your time more than money. More money often means less freedom. The things you are praying for will require some sort of sacrifice. 

In 1 Timothy 6:10, it says some people have walked away from their faith because of their greed. Watching someone walk away from their faith because they desire something like money more than God may not make any sense. But this is only done because there is a lack in their relationship with God, not because there may be a lack in their pocketbook or bank account. 

Greed can lure someone away from their faith because whatever they are after will fill a void in their life in some way. However, turning to God to fill these voids takes faith. Chasing after worldly possessions, things, or even other people is often done out of fear. 

The Battler Between Faith And Greed

The battle between faith and greed is really a battle between faith and fear. The driving force behind our greed is the fear that is telling us we need more and to be more. There are thoughts that we are not good enough and that this will give our lives meaning and purpose. 

As a Christian, I have a very strong conviction that my identity can be found in Christ. I have had my moments where I have tried to be “good enough.” No matter how hard I tried to maintain the ideal life and gain the next win, it did not resolve the ache in my heart or the thoughts I struggled with. 

This past year, I realized how greed was showing up in my resistance to giving more. I was also trying very hard to pursue the average life instead of the obedient life to which I felt God called me. There was no way I was going to hang onto fear and walk the path I felt God had paved for me. In my life, I had to start looking at what was producing fruit instead of leaning into gaining more. 

Do You Believe Having Money Is A Sin?

Everyone will not hesitate to remind you that when you die, you can’t take your bank account with you. It’s true; your bank account doesn’t matter at the end of this life. Sure, we need to be wise with money, and having money is not a sin. 

Recently, I have been going through a life-changing Bible Study. Every time cowardice is mentioned as a sin, my body starts to feel like I just got the wind knocked out of me. I never take the time to consider that not doing something out of fear is a sin. Fear is an emotion that everyone will experience at some point in their life, and having feelings is not a sin. However, what you do with that feeling is what will determine whether you are sinning or not. 

The same is true with money. Having a lot of money is not a sin. In this verse, the love of money and greed is where this becomes a sin; how you achieve financial abundance matters, what you sacrifice to get there matters, and how you spend your money matters. Whether or not you grow in your viewpoint on money matters. 

What Will You Invest In?

Focusing on what is producing fruit in my life has a lot to do with where I spend my money. What comes from the investments I make and the money I spend will determine if I make those choices again. 

No fruit, no more investing in that area of my life. But if the seed starts sprouting, then I am going to keep looking in that direction. Why? Because God wants us to live a fruitful life. 

Too many Christians spend time, money, and mental energy on things that are not producing fruit. 1 Timothy 6:10 is a good reminder to be intentional about our heart towards money and to never trade your faith for an idol that can’t speak or save your life for all eternity.

About Heather Bixler
Heather is a mom of three young adults, has been married to her husband for 22 years, and is a proud fur mom to her dog, Iris, and two cats, Picasso and Esther. Heather has her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and is pursuing her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. You can read more about the author here.
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