Off to Guam with Equip Leadership!

Off to Guam with Equip Leadership! April 13, 2013

It’s time.

It’s time?

Did he just say it’s time?

Sorry. Couldn’t resist a little Veggie Tales action this weekend as I return to Guam for an animated few weeks of equipping leaders for the work of Christ.

For those of you who are geographically challenged — as I was — Guam is about equi-distant from Australia, the Philippines, and Japan. Sort of out in the middle of nowhere yet with access to anywhere in the South Pacific.

Oh, and it’s not all that far from North Korea.

A Missionary Outing

My son, the people-friendly six-year-old, interviewed me for his Awana session about my trips to Guam. He asked me two questions that stood out to me — well, after he asked when we were having lunch, that is.

1. What did you learn?

2. What did you like most?

My answers touched on a common theme. I told him I learned that the people of God are the same no matter where you go. And that I liked making new friends the most.

So I’m looking forward to returning to see friends, build on those existing relationships, and make new friendships as a catalyst to move the Kingdom of God forward.

Why Guam? It’s about Leadership

You can see more of why I answered the call to go to Guam here .

As I often saw in ministry, the problem was not a lack of heart, but a lack of leadership know-how. I saw ministry after ministry shut its doors for lack of leadership and sound business instruction. I have a burden to help change that through ministry consulting and practical life coaching as well as through my service in Guam.

My call to serve in Guam is a missions effort. Support must be raised both to under-gird the vision of Equip (rated one of the top ten Christian charities in use of its resources), and also to cover my travel and lodging expenses on the journey. If led to do so, FaithWalkers readers may support that cause here.

One additional advantage to my partnership with the terrific people at Equip is that I may use John Maxwell’s Equip leadership materials in my ministry stream, as well. Consequently, I am able to use them as I speak to leadership issues at church conferences, retreats, etc. If you have a need for an authentically engaging speaker on these issues, let’s talk. See my speaking page to connect further.

I treasure your prayers on my trip as we head directly toward North Korea during these tumultuous times. I’m also excited to feature a variety of guest posts from a number of old friends and fresh voices that I think you will enjoy during my trip.

And we’re off. Walking — or in this case flying — by faith.


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