September 21, 2017

  Remember when I adopted Calvin and Hops? Well there’s a funny story as to which one got named Hops and which one got named Calvin. They’re twins, see, especially in appearances. So I decided to mark Calvin’s ear with a Sharpie dot so I could tell them apart. When I went into the house to get the Sharpie, I told my daughter to keep tabs on which one was which so I wouldn’t be confused and Sharpie Hops instead.... Read more

September 19, 2017

After I wrote The Offensiveness of Christ’s Blood, I was reading in I John 3, and how to know the difference between who is or isn’t a legit child of God. Basically, according to I John, if one practices righteousness, one is a child of God. If one practices lawlessness (sin), one is not a child of God. Right, I thought. But a Mormon, for example, doesn’t believe Jesus is the Son of God, and of course Jesus says He... Read more

September 11, 2017

Blood is often a taboo subject in churches these days. Read more

August 31, 2017

A while back, I asked the Lord to restore to me the joy of homemaking. I'd completely lost any and all desire to cook, clean, launder, decorate, organize .... Read more

August 31, 2017

The left says: Who cares about The Nashville Statement when there’s devastation in Texas? What awful timing! The right says: Who cares about Melania’s shoes when there’s devastation in Texas? What awful timing! I say: Who cares? The ones sending help or being a help to the victims, regardless of age, social status, race, or sexual orientation. The ones praying. The ones devastated in heart at the sight of fellow countrywomen and countrymen who are devastated in body. In mind.... Read more

August 22, 2017

  I have this problem with movies made based on books. If I see the movie, I don’t have any mojo to read the book. If I read the book, I’m leery of the movie, because I have in my mind’s eye what the scenery and characters should look like, and it messes with me when the movie director did not conjure up the exact same details I did. Other than lack of mojo, I don’t rightly know why I... Read more

August 16, 2017

Barnabas Piper updated his Facebook status the other day with this: “God, I thank you I’m not like that tax collector,” prayed the Pharisee. Be careful lest we take the same tone toward white supremacists.  Keep that in the back of your mind, and fast forward to about an hour ago, when I went out to my car carrying two trash bags. One for trash. The other for items that needed to be brought in the house and put away... Read more

August 10, 2017

I wouldn’t consider myself to have been an exceptionally inquisitive child, but I was known to occasionall ask my Mom the age old question all children love to ask: Why? Why do I have to clean my room? Why study a subject I’ll never use in life? Why make my bed every day? Why do I have to memorize John 1? Many times, the answer was “because I said so.” Or because “the teacher said so.” Granted, for a while,... Read more

July 18, 2017

Now, the doctor didn’t say those exact words. Some guy on Captain America did, only Captain America wasn’t a girl. Point is … “Get that girl a sandwich” sums up Dr. Wilkoff’s advice. Let me explain: Biggest news is that I’m not having heart surgery (!!!!), because: ONE: There are lots of features on my pacemaker. So far, two of those features don’t bode well with my situation. One feature has already been tweaked back home, which improves some of... Read more

July 17, 2017

Not a ton to report today. Much of the day was spent remedying a few kitchen fiascos, but I’m happy to report that all is settled now and I should be good for the remainder of the trip. If not, I’ll blame TSA. After the kitchen was in order and I crashed for a nap, we drove to the Cleveland Clinic so we would know what we are doing in the morning. Good thing we did, as there was a... Read more

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