Each Day, an Anniversary

Each Day, an Anniversary May 5, 2020

With each passing year,

the climb turns into a drift:

turn of phrase, turn of pot,

spot of sun, touch of dog.


After all this way,

we wake in what we wanted,

like a painting we used to drive

to see in which we now live.


Like swimmers who tire into 

ease, we are, on good days, 

cradled by the deep.


Thankfully, we have crawled

into the O of ordinary

and found beauty.


We walk our dog, following

the streets that warm in the sun,

share a glass of water, and watch

the cherry blossom bend, one

more year, toward something

no one can see.


A Question to Walk With: Describe a simple detail that carries the essence of a significant relationship in your life. What does this detail represent? Honor this detail by talking about it and its significance to the person it involves.

This excerpt is from my book of poems in progress, Elsewhere.

*Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mark Nepo is offering a 3-session webinar called “The One Life We’re Given: Saying Yes to Life”. The sessions will be offered through Zoom: June, 8,15, 22, 2020, 1-2:30PM ET. Please visit  live.marknepo.com for information and to register.

About the webinar, Mark says, “The gift and practice of being human centers on the effort to restore what matters when in trouble, so we can make good use of our heart. No one quite knows how to do this, but learn it we must. Our path to love and truth depend on this journey.”
For other events and retreats and info about Mark’s books, please visit:marknepo.com and threeintentions.com.

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