Yep, that was me on NPR

Yep, that was me on NPR August 24, 2005

Mike Pesca at NPR caught my review of The 40-Year-Old Virgin for CT Movies the other day, so he interviewed me for a report that appeared today on Day to Day. We spoke for half an hour, but I’m one of three interviewees who had to be packed into this five-minute report, so only a few soundbites made it in.

By sheer coincidence, last week I happened to watch ‘Homer Bad Man‘, the Simpsons episode in which Homer is interviewed for a tabloid TV show, and they hack his interview into little video clips which are stitched together to form sentences that he never actually said — and you can tell that they’ve done this because the clock in the background keeps jerking back and forth in time.

So I’ve been wondering idly for the past couple days if something similar might happen here. And, well, I think two different parts of the interview were spliced together so that they now sound like one continous thought. But it’s nothing serious.

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