Chattaway double-feature in production!

Chattaway double-feature in production! September 24, 2005

Talk about your instant sequels. A few weeks ago the wife and I went to the local hospital for an ultrasound — oh, is this the first time I’ve mentioned her pregnancy in this forum? well, we’re into the second trimester now, so it’s about time I said something — and the nurse began asking us about our “family histories”.

Yup, it turns out we’re expecting twins. And the nurse even went so far as to speculate that they might be fraternal twins, based on the thickness of the membrane between them.

The wife and I have been planning our future for a couple years now on the assumption that our children would come along one at a time, but now we need a whole new set of calculations!

And yes, those in the know have already begun cracking wise about how we are growing our very own Siskel and Ebert, or Ebert and Roeper, depending on one’s generation. (The phrase “two thumbs up” does kind of suit the image to the right, in particular, where I believe one of the little tykes can be seen raising his or her arms.) All I know right now is that I’m looking forward to sharing my animation collection with a couple of brand-new fans!

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