Is that me on TV? Is that me in that video?

Is that me on TV? Is that me in that video? April 20, 2006

Has it really been 11 months since The Big V, the documentary in which I outed myself as an adult virgin, aired on Vision TV? (The interview took place several months before my wedding, but the documentary premiered a few months afterwards.) Hmmm, I guess it has. Anyway, if you missed it the first time and you’re curious to see it, the hour-long documentary will be re-run on CBC Newsworld on Tuesday, April 25 and on Saturday, April 29.

And speaking of video sightings of yours truly, I discovered the other day that the upcoming four-disc DVD for the expanded “director’s cut” of Kingdom of Heaven will include a “press junket walkthrough”. Hmmm, I was at that junket, and I do remember guys with cameras following us around as we walked from one display to another. I wonder if my face will pop up. I guess I will just have to check it out when the DVD comes out May 23.

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