Churches and forgiveness in Spider-Man 3

Churches and forgiveness in Spider-Man 3 July 26, 2006

The other day, I came across this description at of the new trailer for Spider-Man 3 that was shown at Comic-Con:

But the biggest highlight has to be the Spider-Man 3 presentation, where Sam Raimi and most of the cast of the movie showed the unfinished new trailer. There were placeholder effects in spots, but even with animatics inserted the thing gave me chills. The Venom reveal is astonishing, and this trailer is going to silence a lot of naysayers. The trailer has the origin scene for Venom, with Topher Grace sitting in a church, praying for God to kill Peter Parker when a black goo drips down from the belltower onto his hand. And when he’s full on Venom he’s got a very nice set of nasty teeth in his very big mouth.

Then, today, I came across this bootleg video of the trailer itself, which someone apparently captured in a very out-of-focus way with their cell-phone camera. Note how a couple of female voices — Aunt May and Mary-Jane, I assume — talk about the perils of poisoned hearts, and the need to forgive one another.

Hmmm. Sin and forgiveness? Sounds nifty. I’m there. (Or I will be, next year.) I just hope this is a great little flick like the second Spider-Man movie (2004; my article on brain-chip movies), and not a real mixed bag like the first one (2002; my review).

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