X-Men vs. Superman — who won?

X-Men vs. Superman — who won? August 17, 2006

You remember how there was a big kerfuffle when Bryan Singer, who had directed the first two X-Men movies for 20th Century Fox and ended the second film on a strong cliffhanger, left the trilogy in the lurch to go direct the first new Superman movie in almost 20 years for Warner Brothers? And you remember how fans were dismayed when the third X-Men movie went through a number of possible directors only to wind up in the hands of Brett Ratner?

Well, the summer has come and gone, and so have the two films in question — both the one that Singer could have directed and the one that he did direct — and The Hollywood Reporter, via Reuters, takes a look at what it all added up to. The headline gives you a hint of where the story goes: “Fox has hit, Warners has Singer.”

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