The Associated Press reports:
Actor and director Mel Gibson visited two Oklahoma towns this week to attend screenings of his new movie, “Apocalypto.”
Gibson did not make a public appearance during screenings held at the Riverwind Casino in Goldsby and Cameron University in Lawton. At the entrance of the casino — where the film was shown Friday to a mostly American Indian audience — reporters were kept behind partitions.
He arrived at Cameron on Thursday morning wearing a mask and wig so he wouldn’t be noticed, university spokeswoman Amber McNeil said. . . .
A mostly Native audience? Ah, more grass-roots screenings for key demographics, just like the ones for The Passion of the Christ!
SEP 24 UPDATE: And now come reports of a public screening last night at Fantastic Fest in Austin, Texas, followed by a Q&A; with Gibson himself. The audience, they say, was “enthusiastic“.