Newsbites: Evan! Bee! Profanity! President!

Newsbites: Evan! Bee! Profanity! President! November 3, 2006

There’s a heavy emphasis on trailers this time.

1. “Let it out, son. It’s the beginning of wisdom.” So says God when his sudden appearance in the back seat of a moving car freaks out its driver, in the trailer for Evan Almighty. So far, I like. And I note that this film will apparently show the animals helping to build the Ark, as they do in Disney’s Father Noah’s Ark (1933).

2. Jerry Seinfeld is a genius with trailers. Remember the one for the documentary Comedian (2002)? Now he’s got one for his upcoming cartoon Bee Movie — except the trailer isn’t animated.

3. Apparently Fuck (2005), a wide-ranging documentary on the ever-so-popular four-letter word, is coming to American theatres next week, over a year after it began touring the festival circuit. has the trailer and a handful of clips. And I don’t know what it says about me that I am much less annoyed by the movie’s title — for reasons I explained eight months ago — than I am by the trailer’s use of “it’s” when what it really means to say is “its”.

4. Victor Morton posts a long, thoughtful, and interesting defense of Death of a President at his Rightwing Film Geek blog.

5. Variety reviews The Great Warming:

A kinder, gentler global warming docu, Michael Taylor’s “The Great Warming” promotes essentially the same message as the Al Gore-hosted “An Inconvenient Truth,” but is aimed at a different target audience. If “Truth” preached to the tree-hugging choir, “Great,” which comes heralded by prominent Evangelicals and was previewed in local churches, seems designed to redefine ecology as a crucial Christian cause. A more diffuse and prettier case for global calamity that accents the positive and stresses the possibility of reversing the planet’s headlong rush to extinction, pic will be released in major U.S. cities by Regal Cinemas on Nov. 9. The church connections notwithstanding, most viewers will catch this on the home front. . . .

6. I’ve been spotting reviews for an indie film opening in limited release this week called Unknown, and the reason I mention it here is because its co-stars include James Caviezel and Jeremy Sisto — two of the more high-profile actors to have played Jesus in recent memory! This gets me wondering, How many other films have featured two actors who have both played Jesus?

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