Is Ted Dekker a fan of Donald Kaufman?

Is Ted Dekker a fan of Donald Kaufman? February 2, 2007

You know that subplot in the brilliant Spike Jonze film Adaptation (2002; my top ten list) where Charlie Kaufman’s twin brother Donald describes a screenplay he’s working on called The Three?

Last night I finally got around to watching Thr3e, the most recent Christian genre pic to be distributed by FoxFaith.

I won’t say any more, to avoid spoilers. But I swear, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say it was kinda weird and sad that a Christian movie had so earnestly ripped off a story that was originally conceived as a joke, as a dumb caricature of Hollywood clichés. The thing is, Adaptation came out in December 2002, and Thr3e is based on a Ted Dekker novel that came out in June 2003 — which doesn’t leave much time for one to be based on the other.

Granted, the two stories aren’t exactly alike. Thr3e has no chase scenes involving a horse and a motorcycle, for instance.

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