Yet another movie not screened for critics.

Yet another movie not screened for critics. February 7, 2007

Lou Lumenick at the New York Post writes:

It wasn’t totally surprising to learn today that Sony isn’t planning to show critics “Ghost Rider,” which opens a week from Friday. The latest Marvel Comics blockbuster starring Nicolas Cage, which carries a pricetag of $120 million, may well be the most expensive event movie movie to receive this treatment, which tends to embarass the talent involved.

You may recall that Nicolas Cage’s last movie, a remake of The Wicker Man, was also not screened for critics last year.

(Hat tip to Jeffrey Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere.)

UPDATE: Nikki Finke of Deadline Hollywood thinks it’ll be a hit.

FEB 8 UPDATE: Cinematical says this movie is being screened for critics, starting tonight — in Los Angeles, at any rate.

Lou Lumenick, on the other hand, has replaced the first sentence from the blog post quoted above with this new paragraph:

Sony is dodging opening-day print reviews for “Ghost Rider,” which opens a week from Friday. Critics are being invited to the premiere the night before the opening as well as a “courtesy” screening on Friday, which means reviews will be buried in the Saturday papers.

So for the purposes of my list, this still counts as “not screened”.

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