Yet another movie not screened for critics?

Yet another movie not screened for critics? June 22, 2007

Okay, I exaggerate. But not by much. Remember how I said there would be no screenings in Vancouver of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, except for a preview scheduled mere hours before the film’s release? It turns out that that film was shown in a few other cities, such as New York, a day earlier than that. Now 20th Century Fox is doing the exact same thing with Live Free or Die Hard. The film opens across the continent on Wednesday, and both David Poland and Jeffrey Wells have said that the only L.A. screening will be on Monday night. And the only Vancouver screening will be on Tuesday night. Lame. That doesn’t quite put it in the “no screening for critics” camp, but it comes awfully close.

JUN 27 UPDATE: Turns out the L.A. situation was even weirder.

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