Clash of the Titans gets a director — ugh.

Clash of the Titans gets a director — ugh. December 13, 2007

Variety reports that Stephen Norrington has been tapped to direct the remake of Clash of the Titans (1981).

Norrington directed the original Blade (1998). He also directed League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003), which may go down in history as the movie that ended Sean Connery’s career.

Somehow I am not expecting great things, here.

Then again, if Connery could be lured back to play Zeus, that could make this a riotously funny bit of camp. Or perhaps not.

Now I’ve got this image in my head of Zeus wearing a giant teddy-bear costume. And as surreal as that was in The Avengers (1998), it didn’t exactly make that movie funny.

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