These villains are brought to you by the letter M.

These villains are brought to you by the letter M. December 13, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out on DVD this week, and I was lucky enough to get a copy that has two bonus discs, one of which consists entirely of a 20-minute featurette on ‘Building the Magic: The Sets of Harry Potter’. Watching it, I was struck by this close-up on the logo for the Ministry of Magic:

It’s kind of reminiscent of the logo for the Magisterium in The Golden Compass — which you can see above and behind Iorek Byrnison in the picture below — no?

Incidentally, note the Byzantine icons on the wall behind Iorek — at least one of which he shattered on his way out of the building — as well as what seems to be a cross on the roof in the lower left corner of the frame. Supposedly, the filmmakers went out of their way to eliminate specific references to the Christian church from their film, but scenes like these suggest otherwise.

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