Crystal skull sightings! We have two pictures!

Crystal skull sightings! We have two pictures! February 4, 2008

Warning: There be spoilers here — visual spoilers, even.

In real life, crystal skulls are shaped like human skulls, and some people like to speculate that these skulls might be the product of alien civilizations. But that’s too indirect for George Lucas — who has already said that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be more like a “science-fiction movie” than any previous film in this series — so, to judge from a few photos that came out over the last few days, it looks like Lucas has gone ahead and based his newest movie’s supernatural artifact on an extra-terrestrial skull. Apparently, in Lucas’s world, aliens didn’t just make the crystal skulls, they are the crystal skulls.

First, Action Figure Insider posted this image on Friday, taken from a brochure put out by toymaker Takara Neduke:

And then, today, posted this:

Now, it has been a long, long time since I saw Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), but I am wondering if what we see in these images squares with that rumour we heard a few months ago.

FEB 9 UPDATE: Hollywood North Report has the complete toy brochure; click on the photo below for a larger version:

FEB 12 UPDATE: posted this “alternative cover for the comic” tonight — and it, too, features the skull:

FEB 17 UPDATE: MTV Movies Blog has a photo of the Lego version of the crystal skull that appeared at this week’s Toy Fair:

MAR 10 UPDATE: The newest poster gives us our best “officially sanctioned” look at the crystal skull to date:

MAY 1 UPDATE: Official Pix has a few new photos for sale:

MAY 3 UPDATE: The new trailer also gives us a quick glimpse of the skull, but part of it is always just out of frame:

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