Juno and cities in Alaska.

Juno and cities in Alaska. September 2, 2008

Someone had to make this connection — and while I did think of it earlier today, RC at Strange Culture wrote it up first:

Mac MacGuff: And this, of course, is Juno.
Mark Loring: Like the city in Alaska.
Juno MacGuff: No.

What I want to know is why so many people seem to think that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin‘s family-values cred is compromised by her teenaged daughter’s pregnancy, given that so many pro-lifers were very eager to claim Juno — the movie that supposedly romanticized teen pregnancy — as one of their own only a few months ago. Haven’t pro-lifers proved that they can deal with, and even on some level embrace, this sort of thing?

As Rod Dreher puts it, “I can’t help thinking that in the matter of Bristol Palin and her unborn child, many on the left simply can’t stand it that conservatives are failing to live up to the malign stereotypes liberals have of them.”

SEP 3 UPDATE: Juno director Jason Reitman says a few brief things to Sharon Waxman about the Palins and his film.

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