January 14, 2017

When America discovered that Donald Trump had been caught on tape saying he liked to grab women by the you-know-what, the people who had taught me that God’s ideal was for me to life a life of strict sexual purity quickly came to his defense. (How they went from teaching me that it’s not okay to touch a woman above the knee, to laughing off the idea of grabbing a random woman’s vagina, is still a little confusing.) The people... Read more

January 13, 2017

Donald Trump has yet to take the oath of office, but that hasn’t stopped the party of Christian values and pro-life ethic to already begin stripping healthcare away from the poor and vulnerable. Because, you know, nothing says “We love pro-life values” as much as taking healthcare away from people who will die without it– but that’s a topic for a different post. Conservatives will often tell me that providing for the poor and needy is the role of private charity, not... Read more

January 12, 2017

When interacting with (some) atheists online, it isn’t a shocker to stumble upon some who begin a discussion with an overwhelming arrogance as they prepare to rain down their intellectual and moral superiority on you. I mean, let’s be honest: Every group has its hard-core Calvinists, right? (That’s a joke people. I don’t need more hate mail from Calvinists.) The other day I wrote a post on some things I wish atheists would stop doing, and one of those things was... Read more

January 11, 2017

Christians who support the death penalty often say it was God who instituted the death penalty. But if that's true, what about Cain and Abel? Why didn't God execute the first murderer in the Bible? Read more

January 10, 2017

January is Human Trafficking awareness month, and in a not-so stunning turn of events the federal government– bolstered by the efforts of anti-trafficking activists– just ensured that a lot of people are about to be in danger. In fact, these social justice advocates– well meaning, but many of whom don’t actually understand the dynamics of exploitation or even the systemic issues that increase human trafficking– just contributed to making trafficking a bigger problem than it already is. Beyond making trafficking a... Read more

January 6, 2017

As a Christian, I can admit that there is a reasonable argument for being an atheist, but here's a few things I wish atheists would stop doing. Read more

December 22, 2016

For those of us who grew up in conservative or even moderate versions of Christianity, the Christmas story often begins with a pretty twisted premise: Jesus was born to die. It’s as if the entire purpose of his life was to die. We find this idea in Christmas songs, Christmas sermons, and all sorts of other places. I mean, heck, John Piper even wrote a book called 50 Reasons Jesus Came To Die (and he also wrote a second book... Read more

December 20, 2016

Liberty University, the nation’s largest Christian university, has recently announced that it has at least a million dollars to blow. As people who profess to follow Jesus and teach young men and women to do the same, one would expect having an extra million dollars to spend could be put to some good causes that Jesus highlighted. For example, in Matthew 25 Jesus said that he would eternally condemn those Christians who professed Christianity in word, but did not welcome immigrants,... Read more

December 19, 2016

It’s almost Christmas– one of the holiest days of the year for Christians, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, who was called the Christ. But did Jesus even exist? Was he a real historical person? It seems around Christmas or Easter there’s always some agnostic or atheist friends who make the claim that Jesus never existed as a historical person, or at least, that there’s “no evidence” he existed. While the number of legitimate secular or historical scholars who... Read more

December 9, 2016

Here’s an interesting factoid: There’s a considerable group of Christians who hate Christmas with the same furor that they hate Halloween. Like, for real. Maybe if you grew up outside the bounds of Christian fundamentalism you’re unaware of this group, but I assure you, they’re out there. Each year around this time my Facebook newsfeed gets flooded with status updates and MEMEs denouncing the holiday and those Christians who choose to celebrate it. Now, why in the world would Christians–... Read more

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