Do not miss this! NEW & Spooky/Funny President Barack Obama (best president in the last 50 years) on Full Frontal interviewed by my friend Samantha Bee (most perceptive news person in non-news-comedy) WATCH

Do not miss this! NEW & Spooky/Funny President Barack Obama (best president in the last 50 years) on Full Frontal interviewed by my friend Samantha Bee (most perceptive news person in non-news-comedy) WATCH November 1, 2016

(Photo Facebook)

When Samantha Bee’s show interviewed me I had a lot of fun… great people. Now the president seems to have enjoyed himself too! President Barack Obama (best president in the last 50 years) on Full Frontal interviewed by my friend Samantha Bee (most perceptive news person in non-news-comedy): WATCH

Here’s the extended interview Sam Bee did with me…


P.S. If you want to know a little more about where I’m coming from and my perspective on politics, religion and the intersection of faith and life– here’s a new movie about me. (It’s below the poster on YouTube) scroll down and watch it for free…


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Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace

Available now on Amazon


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