August 27, 2014

The impact of Jesus’ feminism has yet to be fully realized. Even famous women receive an extraordinary amount of abuse. Women are attacked with sexual innuendo and threats of sexual violence online. Feminists who ask for basic respect and equality are belittled. If a woman calls out gender bias, she is likely to hear, “strident bitch with no sense of humor!” In our culture, an admirably strong woman is deemed “not a lady.” Being seen as nurturing is also seen... Read more

August 26, 2014

NOTICE!!! I Posted the WRONG Info on the Decatur (Atlanta) Book Festival! Here’s the CORRECT Information. Please Join ME! Title: Why I Am an Atheist Who Believes in God Date: Sunday, 8/31/14 Location: Old Courthouse Stage Time: 12:00 Description: Frank Schaeffer, Author   Thank You to our Sponsors! CONTACT DONATE NEWSLETTER Opening in 3 Days August 29 – August 31 Read more

August 26, 2014

Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace Available now on Amazon   Follow Frank on Twitter See Frank’s paintings Follow Frank on Facebook Contact Frank at   Read more

August 23, 2014

Dear Mark Driscoll, Please don’t go! Don’t you know that there is an entire blog-sphere out here that depends on you? Just like right wing evangelicals like you get off on denouncing gays to raise money and get readers us progressive Christians need you! Hell, even MSNBC, Huff Post and the other secular liberal outlets need you. You have just been great! We loved it when you told everyone God hated them! If you weren’t real we would have had... Read more

August 23, 2014

  To my Family, the men and women in uniform and to the American People, As the Middle East falls into the grip of Islamic extremist terror unleashed by ISIS and others too numerous to count, it has become clear to me — at last — that my arrogance and stupidity alone led to this cataclysm. Attacking Iraq was a hubristic folly. The consequences were and are about to be fatal to millions of people– from our service people killed,... Read more

August 20, 2014

Please watch this extended interview with me on Who, What, Where, Why– of my views, books, parents, faith, sex, marriage, relationships, children, doubt, God, or no God… and everything else… then please pass this interview on! Thanks! NOTE: Show starts 2 min and 30 sec into the clip so just wait and don’t give up or “Click” in 2:30 min in and watch! The Place | Frank Schaeffer | WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give... Read more

August 19, 2014

Only after we start to admit our addiction to certainty can we begin to actually benefit from our innate spiritual lives. Spirituality depends on humility. Humility begins with admitting how short life is, how little time we have, how small our knowledge will ever be about the so-called big questions. It is in the moments of inner stillness that come from humility and unknowing that we can sense the presence of God. Will you help me spread the word on... Read more

August 19, 2014

Please Join me at the Kansas City Public Library Thursday, August 21, 2014. I’ll talk, do a Q&A, read from my book, have a drink, hang out and have fun. Join us! This is my second visit. I love this venue. Watch my first visit here: where I discussed at the Library. What a GREAT way to launch a book tour. Why don’t you invite me to your town? 6:30pm @ Central Library RSVP now! The Kansas City Public Library Knowledge... Read more

August 17, 2014

PLEASE watch this video clip! Here’s proof that we are a racist nation losing our civil rights while watching as our black brothers and sisters are brutalized. Yes, we are a racist nation. Period. There is a strong growing fascist movement building in the pro-gun, pro- law enforcement community. Post 9/11 we’ve become paranoid and deluded turning local cops into over-armed vigilantly storm troopers. America is now an NRA wet dream. Chris Hayes is a friend of mine. Watch this moving clip... Read more

August 16, 2014

NOTE: If you come from an evangelical background and feel anguish you are not alone. Here’s proof! I get 20-30 emails and FB messages a day from readers of my new book expressing anguish over their religious backgrounds. I answer all of them. I learn more from my readers than they learn from me. Here’s one exchange I found very moving. (Printed here by permission, name changed.) Take hope.  Sat, Aug 16, 2014 12:26 pm Frank: It is such a relief... Read more

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