July 23, 2014

The Israelis are turning Gaza into a killing field. In the Ukraine Russian-backed thugs murdered a plane full of women and children. In both cases religion is to blame. Putin would not be in power if not for the lick-spittle slavish backing of the utterly corrupt homophobic authoritarian Russian Orthodox Church.  Palestinians would be living in peace were it not for the crazy idea that some Bronze Age “god” “gave” land to one of the many Middle Eastern tribes that... Read more

July 22, 2014

A Wheaton  professor asking for the pill? To put it mildly the so-called God-Of-The-Bible has an uneasy relationship with women. The other day I was trying to figure out why Wheaton College (an evangelical school) wanted to claim a “religious liberty” right to deprive women of insurance coverage for contraception. The school even went to the Supreme Court to claim that right. How to explain this? I’d just published my new book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give... Read more

July 22, 2014

Jesus certainly was not a “Bible believer,” as we use that term in the post Billy Graham era of American fundamentalist religiosity that’s used as a trade-marked product to sell religion. Jesus didn’t take the Jewish scriptures at face value. In fundamentalist terms, Jesus was a rule-breaking relativist who wasn’t even “saved,” according to evangelical standards. Evangelicals insist that you have to believe very specific interpretations of the Bible to be saved. Jesus didn’t. He undercut the scriptures. A leper came to Jesus... Read more

July 21, 2014

With each album and concert, the Irish quartet U2 has made tonal craft-rich music of lasting substance that has enjoyed massive popular acclaim. Their work is meaning-saturated and produced hands-on as un-fooled-around-with straight up rock! It is rife with overt spiritual content. U2 have, at times, been the most popular band in the world and also, arguably, one of the most important musically. And they place a premium on high artistic craft as if the likes of Damian Hirst and... Read more

July 20, 2014

Have you gone to my Facebook page yet to advise me on if I should do another FREE offer on the Kindle of my new book? Please DO! I need your advice. I’m trying to earn a living as a writer. Tough even though I’ve been doing this for 25 yrs-plus. I also want to change the conversation on religion. I also don’t have a clue how to navigate the new publishing realities! HELP! Please CLICK and give me your... Read more

July 19, 2014

Why does prayer feel both right and normal to me and crazy, too? The best I can do is offer this analogy. In the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, people receive a vision of a mountain to which they’re being called. They don’t know what they’re seeing, let alone why. They don’t believe in callings per se. They just have to go there. In the same way, I just have to pray. And while I know that soon... Read more

July 17, 2014

Summer 2014 Show  All paintings offered here are half the gallery price. Shipping and insurance included in price (US shipping only).  CLICK ON ANY PICTURE TO ENLARGE! Roses Scattered From The Sky Details “> “> Sometimes the best happens, it’s called grace, like flowers falling like a sweet rain.Oil paint on canvas, 12 x 12, © 2014Price: $750  Email frankaschaeffer@aol.com  about this painting When Roses Fell From Heaven Details “> “> “> “> For me this is a portrait of my... Read more

July 15, 2014

Here’s a 5 min clip from a 45 min talk… Couldn’t make the Wild Goose Festival? Here I am speaking in Hot Springs, NC this year. For speaking engagements, email me at frankaschaeffer@aol.com.    Couldn’t make the Wild Goose Festival? Here I am speaking in Hot Springs, NC this year. For speaking engagements, email me at frankaschaeffer@aol.com. Frank Schaeffer is a writer. His latest book —WHY I AM AN ATHEIST WHO BELIEVES IN GOD: How to give love, create beauty and find peace Available now... Read more

July 14, 2014

Q: What kind of mental breakdown causes parents to pack a six-year-old girl off to a boarding school 500 to 1000 miles away that’s run by sadists and rapists? A: Evangelical delusional thinking that’s what. In the case of tens of thousands of evangelical missionaries the delusional breakdown that led to child abandonment was caused by believing that “all that stands between God burning the lost to death forever and their salvation is– me!” And this “GOD” means business! After... Read more

July 12, 2014

“It’s nice for a minute to not look like a cripple!”  “I’m getting all sort of shit from atheists…” “Here’s the truth about my parents…” Here is one of my favorite people — Brian McLaren — doing me the honor of interviewing me in depth. Because it is Brian, I forget there is a camera there and say things I’ve never really shared honestly before… Thank you Wild Goose Festival and Rick Meredith for providing a forum for this! Thanks for WATCHING!... Read more

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